John – I have an urgent update, and I wanted you to hear it from me first:

1. NBC News reports that Georgia is the most important swing state in the November elections, which means Senate control could be decided by our race.

2. Donald Trump just held a megadonor fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago with my potential opponent, Herschel Walker (R), so they can flood this race with MILLIONS to defeat me.

3. Our people-powered movement is falling short of the resources we need to fight back. If we don't see an immediate surge of grassroots support, we could be outraised and outspent right before our first official FEC deadline of the election year.

Everything we've been fighting for – from voting rights to climate justice – is on the line in Georgia. With the latest polls showing me 1 POINT BEHIND Walker, we can't afford to miss a single fundraising goal – so I'm counting on you to help us close our budget gap now:

Please, John, will you split $15 before midnight between Seth Moulton and my campaign so we can pull ahead, win in Georgia, and keep the Senate blue?

I appreciate you, John – thank you.

— Raphael Warnock