
After taking office last year, Biden has vastly expanded the power and bureaucracy of the Federal Government.

A bigger Federal Government is the exact opposite of what we need. Big government Socialists always believe we need a government program to solve our challenges, when the real answer is to get government out of the way of the American people!
The American people and our businesses need to be unleashed, free from crippling regulations, and stifling taxes. But to make that happen, we have to defeat the big government extremists and take power in Congress!!

I’m asking you to join me in this fight TODAY. As Biden uses executive actions and unconstitutional mandates to intrude on our lives, we have to stand up!
We deserve representation that fights to empower us and preserve our rights, rather than destroying them. With Biden continuing to push massive government spending and expansion of their powers, the time to fight is now! 

I’m doing everything to stop Biden from growing our federal government, but I need your support to continue the fight. Will you pitch in and help me stop Biden’s Big Government?

Thank you for your support, 
Beth Van Duyne