MARCH 2022
Foundation for Child Development: The Learning Curve Newsletter
New Research on the History of Racial Inequities in ECE Workforce Compensation,
Preparation, and Stability
Foundation for Child Development Grants in Action
As a member of The Early Educator Investment Collaborative, the Foundation is pleased to share the report, Mary Pauper: A Historical Exploration of Early Care and Education Compensation, Policy, and Solutions. The Collaborative commissioned this Child Trends report to trace the history of systemic racism and sexism in the United States and how it has influenced current early care and education (ECE) policy and practice, particularly related to compensation and preparation.
The intent of this work is to build common understanding of major equity issues affecting early educators—historically and in the present day. The recommendations provide a research-to-action plan to advance racial, economic, and social justice in ECE workforce policies, as well as identify the specific state, federal, and local policies and practices that are inequitable and ripe for change.
Read the Report
Transforming Early Educator Preparation Through Multi-Partner Innovation:
Grantee Webinar
The Collaborative is supporting multi-year partnerships between institutions of higher education and states/territories/tribal nations to transform their preparation programs for early educators, break down systemic barriers to education for people of color, and increase financial assistance and compensation for students studying to become early educators. The grants strengthen programs that prepare early educators through a competency-based bachelor’s degree and link to state or tribal nation systems efforts to increase funding for early childhood education students and compensation for teachers.

The Collaborative invites you to join a webinar tomorrow, March 10th from 12-1:30 PM ET/9-10:30 AM PT to hear from several grantees about the unique state context under which their partnership is operating, the innovations they are implementing for lead teacher preparation, and the implications for systems change as a result of the work.

Grantees from California, Colorado, and Georgia will present and there will be an opportunity for Q&A during the session. Presenters include:
  • Dr. Ana Garcia-Nevarez, Associate Professor, California State University, Sacramento;
  • Dr. Tonia Renee Durden, Clinical Associate Professor, Georgia State University;
  • Dr. Diana Schaack, Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Denver; and
  • Dr. Kristie Kauerz, Clinical Associate Professor and Director of the National P3 Center, University of Colorado Denver.
The session will be moderated by The Collaborative's Director Dr. Ola Friday.
Register Here
About the Early Educator Investment Collaborative
The Collaborative's goal is to help all early educators achieve their full potential as professionals to ensure that each child is prepared for success in school and life. Our vision is a country where there is no opportunity gap among children, where every child makes lasting gains in cognitive, social, and emotional development through their early care and education experience. We are working to link early educator professional competencies with professional compensation and to transform the preparation of early education.

Follow The Collaborative on Twitter: @EarlyEdCollab
ABOUT US Research, policy and practice—we connect these pieces to help build early childhood systems that enable children to reach their full potential. Founded in 1900, the Foundation for Child Development identifies needs, fills gaps and integrates knowledge for successful implementation and continuous improvement. Learn more about our focus areas and download resources by clicking these links:
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