
Ted Halstead Climate Conversation Series

Ensuring Grid Reliability in the Clean Energy Transition (Virtual)

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

11:00am – 12:00pm ET

Register Here

Extreme weather events are increasing in frequency and duration, placing unprecedented strains on the U.S. electric grid and power systems. At the same time, rapid decarbonization as we switch to new energy sources can also create challenges to grid reliability. When the grid fails, the human and economic toll can be staggering, amplifying the already-high costs associated with climate change.

Join the Climate Leadership Council for a briefing on a new report from former FERC Chairman Neil Chatterjee and Council CEO Greg Bertelsen that details how carbon pricing can help ensure that all Americans have access to reliable electricity as we transition to a low-carbon economy. Senator John Hickenlooper (D-CO) will provide a view from Congress, and Vistra Corp. CEO Curt Morgan will discuss how to achieve a clean and reliable energy grid.  


11:00am - Opening Remarks

Briefing: Achieving Grid Reliability and Decarbonization through Carbon Pricing

11:15am - A View from the Senate

11:35am - Fireside Chat: Grid Reliability as a Key Component to Climate Solutions

Noon - Closing Remarks

Questions? Please email the Council’s Reuben Francis, Public Affairs Associate, at [email protected].


The Climate Leadership Council