Hi John,

Precious Life's series of Information Evenings continue across Northern Ireland. We've had great responses to the meetings that have been raising awareness of the importance of ensuring only pro-life MLAs are returned to the NI Assembly. So far we have travelled to Belfast, Magherafelt, and Ballygawley.

The remaining dates and venues for the Election Information Evenings are :

Thursday 10th March – Armagh City Hotel – 7.30pm

Tuesday 15th March – The Old Inn, Crawfordsburn – 7.30pm

Wednesday 23rd March – City Hotel Derry – 7.30pm

The Assembly Election on 5th May gives us our first opportunity - since abortion was forced on Northern Ireland - to vote pro-abortion MLAs out and replace them with MLAs who will uphold the right to life of every person, before and after birth.

We invite you to come along and encourage as many of your family and friends to attend.

We have also printed another 50,000 batch of our Campaign Leaflets. It is vital that we get a leaflet into the hands of every voter before 5th May. You can help distribute the leaflets all across Northern Ireland by handing them out to your family, friends, church and prayer groups, and around your local community. 

We can send you as many leaflets as you need. Please contact us on 02890278484 or email [email protected]

And remember our weekly Street Outreach is in Belfast on Saturday. Come along and be a voice for the unborn babies by helping us distribute our campaign leaflets. 

Our peaceful Pro-Life Outreaches also continue outside the abortion centres in Belfast, Derry, Newry and Coleraine. Join us for an hour to witness and pray for the unborn babies under threat of abortion. 

The 'hate campaign' against our peaceful vigils continued last week when pro-abortion Assembly Members made false accusations and told downright lies to pass the "Consideration Stage" of the "Abortion Zones Bill".  We have now issued an urgent Prayer Request asking people to pray that the Bill is stopped in it's tracks before it passes any more stages before the Assembly is dissolved for the Election. See full details below. 

The Precious Life Communications Team

Urgent prayer is needed to stop the Abortion Access Zones Bill that is currently going through the NI Assembly. This aim of this draconian, oppressive and discriminatory bill is to criminalise women and men who hold pro-life vigils outside the abortion centres in Northern Ireland. Pro-abortion MLAs are hell-bent on getting the bill passed before the Assembly is dissolved at the end of March for the Election. Assembly Speaker Alex Maskey from Sinn Fein told MLAs it was his intention the Assembly passes “as much legislation as possible” before the Election. Sinn Fein’s Michelle O’Neill also said the Bill to criminalise pro-life people was a “hugely important” issue and needed to be passed into law before the election. 

Green Party leader Claire Bailey admitted the aim of the bill is to "criminalise" anyone who talks to a woman going into an abortion centre - offers her help or support - or simply holds a pro-life sign - or even stands silently praying. Those convicted will be fined up to £2500.

The Bill passed its "Consideration Stage" on 2nd March, with the support of Sinn Fein, SDLP, UUP, Alliance, Green Party, and PeopleBeforeProfit 

The "Further Consideration Stage" is now scheduled to be debated on Monday 14th March 

Please pray that the Bill is delayed and does not reach the Further Consideration Stage on Monday, and goes no further before the Assembly is dissolved. 

Read more about the dangers of this Bill in our news report from October, when pro-abortionists in the Assembly passed the Second Stage of the Bill...
Precious Life congratulate vindicated pro-life Doctor who saves babies' lives using "abortion pill reversal" treatment
Precious Life welcome decision by the General Medical Council to drop all sanctions against pro-life doctor after concluding that there was no evidence of wrongdoing in providing women with abortion-reversal pills

Read full story...
Precious Life urge support for pro-life candidates in upcoming election in N. Ireland
GRIPT media interview Bernadette Smyth on Precious Life's campaign to ensure pro-life MLAs are elected to Northern Ireland Assembly...

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