What drove the geopolitical and humanitarian crisis battering Ukraine?
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Dear John,

I want to share a compelling video with you and the rest of the ADL community.

Earlier this week, Natan Sharansky gave an important briefing on the dire crisis in Ukraine. He shared his insights with several hundred members of ADL’s National Commission and Regional Boards in an online event hosted by our International Affairs Committee.

Having met Russian leader Vladimir Putin many times, Sharansky brings invaluable expertise to his analysis of the invasion of Ukraine. His perspectives come from his unique background as a former Soviet refusenik, past Chair of the Jewish Agency, former Israeli government minister and current Board Chair of the Ukraine-based Babyn Yar Memorial Center.

Sharansky Video on Ukraine Crisis

In our conversation about the geopolitical and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, Sharansky discussed what is motivating Putin to take such brutal and unwarranted action.

Sharansky, who spent time in Soviet jails as a political prisoner, compared Putin’s willingness to use force to a prisoner who is seen as powerful because he “is ready to use everything to cut your throat.”

In discussing what is necessary to end the crisis in Ukraine, Sharansky explained the actions the free world must take as quickly as possible. He called on Israel as a democratic nation to be clear in its support for Ukraine, despite concerns about coming out against Russia, which has influence in Syria and Iran.

We hope you find this timely briefing helpful in shedding light on this chaotic crisis and dispelling misinformation. If you’d like to donate, advocate or take other actions to help the people of Ukraine, you’ll find options recommended by ADL in the Ukraine Resource box below.

View Sharansky’s Insights on the Invasion of Ukraine

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Sharon Nazarian
SVP, International Affairs

Ukraine Crisis: Resources and What You Can Do

ADL condemns in the strongest terms Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine and aggression towards the Ukrainian people. This unnecessary war has caused thousands of deaths, is unleashing untold misery on the civilian population, and threatens the independence of Ukraine, a sovereign country and a fellow democracy.

Go to ADL’s Ukraine Crisis section for ways to help organizations doing vital humanitarian work, to advocate for refugees, to learn about Ukraine and its Jewish community and to fight the spread of misinformation about the conflict, including Russian claims that the Ukrainian government and its leaders are “Nazis.”

I Want to Support Ukraine