
I was in Red Deer yesterday.

People there are angry. Very angry. And many are flirting with separatism.

I understand how they feel.

Our country is becoming increasingly divided and dysfunctional, and the re-election of the Liberals will make things even worse.

In a large and diverse federation like Canada, the fastest way to breed resentment and disunity is to have a big central government intervening in provincial affairs, and being perceived as favouring the interests of some regions against those of others.

That’s what we got with Pierre Trudeau in the 1970s.

And we’re getting even more of it with his son.

I told my friends in Alberta that separatism is not the solution.

The solution is to unite with Canadians across the country who want real change.

Canadians who want a smaller government in Ottawa that respects our Constitution.

Only the People’s Party offers this option.

You can read my speech here, or watch it here.

John, the principles and policies we put forward over the past year are more relevant than ever.

We must continue to fight for them.

They must be part of our national conversation.

If you believe they are essential to keep our country united, please help me fight for them with a $2 donation today.

Many thanks for your continued support,

People's Party of Canada
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To make a donation with a cheque, please use this address: 290, St-Joseph Blvd, room 205, Gatineau, Quebec, J8Y 3Y3. The cheque must be made payable to People's Party of Canada. To make an online donation, please visit our website: Thank you!
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