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When I was diagnosed with a brain tumor at just four years old, it shook my family to the core. After extensive surgery, we were told that one piece had to remain in my brain, as it was too dangerous to remove. Forced to live with a brain tumor from such a young age threatened my life, posing difficulties for my eyesight, my speech development, and the muscles on the right side of my face. 

Luckily, when my family arrived in the United States, my father’s job provided health insurance, so I was finally able to see a neurologist, a physical therapist, a speech therapist, and an eye doctor. While I was still unsure of what my future would look like living with a chronic illness, I found hope in having access to the healthcare I needed. Join me in the fight for healthcare justice by showing your support on social media!

But once I turned 19, those pillars of support crumbled. I am no longer eligible to receive insurance through my father, and as an undocumented college student, I am excluded from the insurance options that could cover the kind of care that I need. While my story may seem exceptional, I am one of 154,000 low-income New Yorkers who do not have access to affordable, quality healthcare due to their immigration status.

I’m fighting for Coverage4All to ensure equitable health coverage for immigrant New Yorkers like me. Will you join me in the fight for healthcare justice by showing your support on social media?

‼️ Over 150,000 NYers continue to be denied affordable health insurance simply b/c of their immigration status. 
@GovKathyHochul, listen to our needs and demands: we are healthier ✅, safer ✅ & stronger ✅ with #Coverage4All!
#thenyic @thenyic
I have been fighting for my life since I was first diagnosed at four years old. I am calling on Governor Hochul and the New York Legislative Leaders to invest in Coverage4All, and give my fellow immigrant New Yorkers and I a fighting chance to keep pursuing healthy and fulfilling futures. Our lives depend on it.
In solidarity,


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New York Immigration Coalition · 131 W 33rd St Ste 610 · New York, NY 10001-2967 · USA