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It's Open Education Week!

This week, we're celebrating all of the work that we've done to make college more affordable through free open textbooks.

Sign our petition for free open textbooks!

For nearly 20 years, the Student PIRGS have led the way in exposing publisher’s practices that rip off students, championing cost-saving textbook options like used books and rental programs, and advocating for open textbooks as a long-term solution.

Since we released our first report on textbooks affordability back in 2004 (over 18 years ago!), we've helped students save millions of dollars by getting faculty and universities to switch their traditional course materials to ones that are free and open, and by passing policies to encourage open textbooks on campuses.

Over our nearly 20 years of research, we've seen a common thread - the high cost of textbooks and course materials is a significant barrier to student success, but with open textbooks, we have the tools to fix it. And with our most recent report, Fixing The Broken Textbooks Market (3rd Edition), we've shown how textbook costs have exacerbated issues that students have faced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Take action now and support open textbooks!

Already signed the petition and want to do more? Amplify Open Education Week on social media with the hashtag #OEWeek, talk to your professors about using open textbooks in their classrooms, and check our organizing materials that you can use to be an advocate on your campus.

An annual celebration, Open Education Week, is an opportunity for actively sharing and learning about the latest achievements in Open Education worldwide. Open Education Week was launched in 2012 by Open Education Global as a collaborative, community-built open forum. Every year OE Week raises awareness and highlights innovative open education successes worldwide.

Happy Open Education Week!


Dan Xie
Political Director
Student PIRGs

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