We need to prepare to fight back against any attacks from our new primary challenger.

Ilhan for Congress

Team —

A conservative Democrat just announced he’s running against Ilhan — kicking off what’s bound to be an expensive primary battle.

Back in 2020, our primary challenger and ultraconservative groups spent millions of dollars to try to defeat Ilhan — all because her work toward a brighter future threatened the status quo they fought so hard to defend.

Now, the status quo is back for round two. Our new opponent has proven himself as someone who would rather maintain the status quo than fight for bold, progressive change. He was one of the most vocal opponents of a ballot amendment in Minneapolis that would have established a public safety system rooted in compassion, humanity and love, and delivering true justice. We can’t let him win and put a stop to all our work for progress.

We need to be prepared for anything our challenger throws at us in the coming months, so we’re setting a goal of bringing in 1,000 contributions by Friday. That’s why we’re asking you, personally:

Can you send a donation of any amount before our deadline to make sure we have the resources to fight back against any attacks and spread our progressive message? Ilhan doesn’t take a dime of corporate PAC money, so she’s counting on grassroots supporters like you to defeat the status quo.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

No matter how much our opponent and outside groups spend to try to silence Ilhan and our movement, we’ve shown that organized people beat organized money before. And we can do it again.

Thank you,

— Team Ilhan