TOMORROW, Thursday, March 10, at 7pm ET / 4pm PT!

RSVP here. You don't want to miss this!

Can't make it? Chip in to Maxwell's campaign here.

Turn on images to see Maxwell Frost.

NBC NEWS: Florida Senate passes GOP bill to create police force for election crimes.

As Republicans across the country pass a flood of voter suppression laws, our next Meet the Candidates guest helped restore voting rights to over 1 million Floridians. Now, he is running for Congress in Florida's open 10th District.

You don't want to miss this.

RSVP to our next "Meet The Candidates" Zoom event with Maxwell Alexandro Frost TOMORROW at 7pm ET, 4pm PT. Join us and ask him your questions.

Can't make the call but want to help him win? Chip in to Maxwell Frost’s campaign here.

Maxwell is an Afro-Cuban, born and raised in the district where he's running, who represents the next generation of leadership and a new generation of civil rights activists.

He has seen firsthand how working people and people of color have been left behind by our society, and is committed to fighting back. He's even put his own safety on the line -- he's been beaten, tear-gassed, and jailed during protests for justice.

Maxwell also understands who has not been left behind. As Maxwell says, "We can’t let Big Oil, big business, and the 1% decide our fates for us."

As Organizing Director at March for Our Lives, one of the largest youth political movements in the country, Maxwell led an ambitious voter turnout program that helped drive record numbers of young people to the polls, helping to hold the House, and win a Democratic Senate and the Presidency.

Maxwell is focused on the issues that matter for tomorrow, like taking on the climate crisis, creating good union jobs, and making sure anyone can see a doctor when they are sick.

If elected, Maxwell would be the first "Generation Z" member of Congress. His election would strengthen the ranks of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and build more power in Congress -- so corporate Democrats and Joe Manchin can't veto Democratic priorities.

RSVP here to our next "Meet The Candidates" Zoom event with Maxwell Alejandro Frost TOMORROW at 7pm ET, 4pm PT.

And, chip in to Maxwell Frost’s campaign for Congress here.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- Rachel Queirolo, PCCC Development Director




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