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Fellow Patriot:

Our country is falling apart at the seams.
At least 64% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.
Gas prices are continuing to climb.
Groceries cost more than ever.
Crime is out of control. Our cities are no longer safe, even in broad daylight.
Millions of strangers are pouring across our border, and they’re bringing drugs and crime.
Fentanyl is now the leading cause of death for Americans aged 18-45. More than homicide, suicide, even car accidents.
Tens of thousands of Americans are suffering from adverse reactions to their mandated COVID injections.
And now, our “leaders” are actively trying to involve our nation in another potentially devastating European war—one that may well turn into World War 3.
Instead of standing up for American citizens, our politicians are standing with foreign countries where we have no interests.
Just this week, Congress gave Ukraine $14 BILLION. 
This is the same Congress—Republican and Democrat—that refused to give a single penny to build a Border Wall.
The same Congress that took months to decide on a measly $1,400 stimulus check for the people whose livelihoods the COVID mandates destroyed.
The same Congress which pours our wealth down the drain every single day for every single special interest and foreign country on earth, EXCEPT the one interest they were elected to protect: You. Me. The American people.
It’s time to say goodbye to the rat’s nest of traitors that is the D.C. Swamp. 
It’s time to put America First.
America Always.
America ONLY.

Send a FIGHTER like me to D.C.

Punish the Democrats' RINO Lackeys by throwing them out on their rear ends so we can finally take our nation back.

Help me defeat the Bipartisan Establishment -- Chip into my election campaign right away and show them the power of the America First movement.

We need PATRIOTS who will FIGHT for the AMERICAN people, not limp-waisted frauds who never miss an opportunity to stab us in the back.

Your contributions to my campaign will help me purchase TV and radio ads, yard signs, and other campaign materials so I can fight the worthless GOP, retire a weak RINO, and replace him with a fierce America First Warrior.

Thank you in advance for your generous support. 

For America,
Neil Robinson Kumar
Republican for U.S. Congress, AR-03

P.S. The Republican Party of Arkansas is pulling out all the stops to kill my authentic America First campaign. 

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