Dear friend,

Like all of you, we are watching the crisis in Ukraine unfold in shock and horror, and our hearts break for the lives lost and the countless families that have been forced to flee their homes. Our prayers are with the people of Ukraine and all of those in harm’s way in Eastern Europe. 

Already, more than 2 million refugees have escaped to neighboring countries—half of whom are children. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is closely monitoring the situation and stands in solidarity with our Ukrainian neighbors. We are dedicated to supporting Ukrainian refugees and immigrants however possible, in keeping with our long history of supporting refugees from Eastern Europe and around the world.  

Over the last decade, we've resettled nearly a quarter of all Ukrainian refugees who have been welcomed into the U.S. Since the invasion, we have seen flight cancellations and other disruptions to resettlement. As the situation escalates, these disruptions will likely continue and neighboring countries in Eastern Europe will need support as they work to provide safety for our at-risk Ukrainian neighbors.  

How You Can Help

Ukrainian families need our help. We invite you to join us in making a difference today through prayer, education, advocacy, and financial support.



Join us in calling on the US government to support Ukrainians here and abroad with humanitarian assistance and other protections.  

Make your voice heard.  



LIRS stands committed to providing the absolute best care to refugees and immigrants who arrive in the United States, and we are working hard to bolster the refugee resettlement program to welcome more new Americans. To make a gift that will impact the lives of those we are serving domestically, visit  

If you are looking to support local efforts in Europe, we encourage you to visit Charity Navigator’s list of highly rated organizations working in the region to assist Ukrainian refugees.  



We invite you to join us in a special 5-day guided prayer and meditation series for peace in Ukraine. For more, visit our Ukraine Action Center for Christian and interfaith prayers for the people of Ukraine.  



We cannot allow this crisis to fade from society’s view. We encourage you to share the news of what’s happening to our neighbors with your friends and networks.  

In the past week, I was invited to discuss the crisis and the response of the U.S. resettlement system with several national media outlets. I encourage you to learn more from MSNBC, NPR's Here and Now, and Roll Call.  

Stay in Touch

More information about the crisis and how you can help can be found at We invite you to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for the latest, and we will continue to update our network as we receive more information.  

Thank you for your compassion and commitment to welcoming our immigrant and refugee neighbors. You make the work of LIRS possible.  

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