Dear John -

The tragic war in Ukraine is highlighting the dangers of reliance on foreign fossil fuels, as well as the importance of reliable green energy. Join CCL as we lend our efforts towards increasing US energy independence, and in our broader efforts for climate health. 

Some of our events this month include:  
Saturday, March 12, 11:00am-11:30am ET

CCL DC Chapter Meeting

Join Citizens' Climate Lobby to multiply our efforts on climate change. We will plan upcoming events, and advance our efforts with Conservative Outreach, Student Outreach, Congressional Advocacy, and Movement Building. Don't miss this conversation with like-minded climate advocates!

What: CCL DC Chapter Meeting
When: Saturday, March 12th, 11am-11:30am ET
More details and RSVP

Afterword, we will stay on to watch CCL's national call. The speaker this month is Jennifer Carman who will give a presentation on polling around climate issues.

If politicians are paying more attention to the climate issue than ever before, perhaps it's because their constituents are more concerned than ever before. Earlier this year, a survey from the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication showed that those who are "alarmed" now represent the largest segment of Yale's "Six Americas." Our guest this month is Jennifer Carman, postdoctoral associate with the Yale Program, whose research focuses on identifying and supporting behaviors that individuals and communities can take to adapt to both short- and long-term climate change impacts. She joins us for a conversation on how opinions and attitudes have shifted in recent years, lending more urgency for politicians to take action on climate change.

Environmental Film Fesitval in the Nation's Capital 

Come and experience the longest running green film festival in the United States. Broaden your horizon with a variety of environmental themed filmes that focus on the urgency of this moment in the climate fight. 

When: March 17th-27th 
More details

National CCL events: If you are missing more CCL in your life, check out CCL National's event calendar.  
Volunteer opportunity: Our chapter's Communications team is underway! We are still in need of volunteers to (1) engage with folks on Facebook, (2) create simple graphics for events like the ones above, and (3) wherever else you see a communications gap. Please reach out to Debbie if you're interested.
As always, keep up with our chapter calendar on our CCL Community page at:
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