Hello John

Have you ever asked yourself, “What can I possibly do to change things?”


If so, you’re not alone. But the truth is, you are more powerful than you think.


Stopping the fossil fuel economy is the vital first step in tackling the climate crisis and nonviolent civil resistance is our best shot at forcing the government to take responsibility. Extinction Rebellion UK has a plan to target the fossil fuel industry which will turn the tide fast.

In April, we will join forces with other movements to block UK oil refineries, at the same time thousands of us will flood into central London in a demonstration of people power, where our resistance is open to all and impossible to ignore. We will stay on the streets until the government agrees to our immediate demand: To stop the fossil fuel economy NOW. Will you be there?

If you’re on our mailing list and you’ve been reluctant to come out on the streets so far, but you’re worried about COP26 failure, the cost of living crisis, war and impacts on food and security, then come to the Extinction Rebellion Open Call from 8pm on Tuesday March 15th. Please also be sure to share the link with friends and family who might be ready to take action.


Meet the people behind Extinction Rebellion and find out about joining the most popular nonviolent movement in a generation that is calling for peace, compassionate politics and rapid action to avert the worst of the climate crisis.

Please be sure to share the link with friends and family who might be ready to take action. Enough of us together can force the change needed. So, don’t sit this one out. You are needed. Come out on April 9th and refuse to be a bystander.


Don’t just look up, step up - and then sit down and claim your place in history.


Love & Rage,





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