Hi John,

Today we’re releasing our flagship State of HATE report. After months of research, we are excited to finally share the important findings with you, even if some of it makes for grim reading. 

Our research shows that after years in the political wilderness, the crises we’ve collectively faced over the past two years have emboldened cynical far right activists to exploit our fears and uncertainties and return to traditional methods of campaigning. In 2021, we saw far right activists marching on our streets, leafleting in communities, and standing for election. Sadly, this is something we expect will continue in 2022.

What we’re seeing is the fallout from an erosion of political trust. Scepticism  surrounding lockdowns and vaccines, the Partygate scandal and a looming cost of living crisis have led to a loss of confidence in our leaders. This has all created fertile ground for far right activists to exploit people’s fears and twist narratives to suit its hateful ideology.

The threat is real - the far right is stirring again, but there is still hope. While they have more opportunities to exploit discontent than for many years, we can still prevent them from succeeding. By refusing to accept blatant far right rhetoric and conspiracy theories as a part of normal discourse, we can prevent fascists and extremists from dividing our society.

If you’re not already, will you join the fightback by becoming a member of the HOPE Action Fund today? You’ll also get a printed copy of the new State of HATE report as a sign of our appreciation.   

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Give £20 a month

Can’t afford to donate right now? You can read and share the report online here and sign up for the State of HATE webinar on 14th March here too. 

Our latest State of HATE findings show: 

  • Fitness, wellness and health has become a key aspect of the far right scene - extreme groups have increased recruitment of new members by framing fascism as a route to self improvement 
  • Twice as many far right sympathisers were convicted of terror offences in 2021 compared to the previous year
  • Anti-migrant activism has remained a key focus for the far right, with 125 visits by ‘migrant hunters’ to hotels in the past year
  • Faith in democracy and the political establishment is at an all time low. Over half of people we polled are not satisfied with the way democracy is working in the UK, with only 6% being very satisfied. Nearly three quarters do not feel that politicians listen to them. 62% think the risk of young people being radicalised by political extremists is greater than it was 10 years ago
  • Racism and racial abuse continues to be an all too common experience for many from minority communities. More than half of respondents had witnessed or experienced racial abuse in the last 12 months

It’s hard not to feel despondent when you know the scale of what we’re up against. But our community is powerful. When we are aware of the challenges we face, we can work together to bring about the changes we want to see. 

If you can, please consider becoming a HOPE Action Fund member to sustain our long term work to fight hate and build hope. 

Give £5 a month
Give £10 a month
Give £15 a month
Give £20 a month

If you can’t afford to donate right now, you can read and share the report online here and sign up for the State of HATE webinar on 14th March here instead. 

Thank you for everything you do,


Nick Lowles
CEO, HOPE not hate