She allegedly used campaign funds for personal use
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Rashida Tlaib Under Investigation for Federal Crime ([link removed]) She allegedly used campaign funds for personal use Read ([link removed])
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Judge Rules 'American' ISIS Bride Is Not a Citizen ([link removed]) That means Hoda Muthana won't be returning to the US Read ([link removed])
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Iranian Engineer in US Sent Tech Secrets Back to Iran: FBI ([link removed]) A permanent resident and Iranian military vet Read ([link removed])
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News Analysis
Will the Saudis New Foreign University Law Be Another Influence Op? ([link removed]) Or have they renounced extremism, as they say Read ([link removed])
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Insanity Today: 9 Cases You Won’t Believe ([link removed]) Make sure you're sitting down Read ([link removed])
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Readers Write
CAIR’s Goal: 30 Islamists into Congress ([link removed])
“Trojan Horse!”
- J.S.
AOC Links White Supremacy to Climate Change ([link removed])
“That is funny because I linked climate change to all of the hot air that AOC is spewing every time that she runs her mouth!”
- M.K.
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