Dear John,
We won!
Just moments ago, after nearly two decades of collective union struggle, the U.S. Senate met our demands and passed the Postal Service Reform Act.
This is the greatest legislative victory for postal workers in a generation – and it’s all because of you.
Together, over the last three weeks, APWU members & public supporters made more than 12,000 calls into the U.S. Senate, bringing the full weight of our union to bear on this historic effort.
While private carriers spent months pressuring key Senators to vote against the bill, their lobbyists’ money was no match for the power of 200,000 postal workers standing together in solidarity.
This victory is truly a testament to the power of union solidarity and collective action.
Now, thanks to each and every one of you doing your part to contribute to this fight, this bill will now make its way to President Biden’s desk, where he is expected to sign it into law without delay.
With the passage of this historic act, the USPS will finally be placed on a path towards financial stability with the repeal of the onerous and financially debilitating pre-funding mandate.
There will be other victories to celebrate as well. The guarantee of six-day delivery, Medicare integration, adding much-needed transparency to postal operations – all of these reforms will ultimately save the post office billions of dollars each year, and make our jobs as postal workers more secure as a result.
This is a truly historic moment, John.
Let us remember today the lesson at the heart of our union’s founding.
Everything we have, everything we’ve won, and everything we hope to win, depends upon one thing:
Acting alone, we are powerless in the face of our opponents – the privatizers with their mountains of cash and their armies of lobbyists and lawyers are frighteningly powerful. No single one of us can defeat them alone.
But when we stand together – when thousands upon thousands of us each do our small part and take collective action – that is a force which can achieve anything.
Today’s historic victory belongs to you, brothers and sisters.
Thank you for all that you do, and solidarity forever.
In solidarity,
The American Postal Workers Union