
People always ask, "why doesn't someone do something?" 

Well, I am suing Biden's Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and fighting Biden's Department of Justice (DOJ) on behalf of all of us!

The Biden Administration is turning our free country into a Socialist, government-reliant, autocracy. We saw parents come under attack by being labeled “domestic terrorists” from the DOJ just for standing up for their rights to be involved in their child's classroom. Meanwhile, it’s been long overdue to hold the CDC accountable for enforcing ridiculous mask mandates while the science says otherwise. 
America is facing hard times. The Democrats promised to unite our country, but they have only divided us. If you are asked, “why doesn’t someone do something?” You have the answer. Let them know I am fighting for you every day and will deliver resolutions to support you and your families. 

This November, we can see even more accountability being implemented by Conservatives. However, I need your support to make it happen!
While I fight Biden’s mask mandates and restore Parents’ Rights to be involved in their child’s education, you can join my fight by pitching in at the link below. Pitch in today and be part of the front line fighters standing up, pushing back, and making sure we restore freedom!
Fighting to put Americans First, 
Beth Van Duyne