Did you see President Biden’s big speech last week, the State of the Natio…uhhh…union, as he might call it?
If you’ve been watching this annual tradition under as many presidents as I have over the years, President Biden’s speech will STILL strike you as one of the strangest in history.
It was so moving, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi did a ridiculous knuckle-clap-thing…
President Biden apparently did a 180 on major liberal policies, calling for a crackdown on illegal immigration and fully funding the police…
Oh, and then there was that bit about a government takeover of healthcare, $6 trillion in new spending (to combat government overspending???), and raising taxes on American families.
The speech was memorable. Though probably for all the wrong reasons.
Friend, Tucker wants to hear what YOU think about President Joe Biden’s 2022 State of the Union speech and the direction of our country.
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