Plus: Childcare 4 All Canvassing Kickoff, committee meetings

Week of March 8, 2022



Childcare for All Kickoff Community Canvass!

Saturday, March 12 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

On Saturday, March 12 join DSA Los Angeles for our Chapter-Wide🌹Childcare for All Kickoff Canvass🌹

The kickoff canvasses are open to all and happening in neighborhoods across Los Angeles! No experience necessary, training will be provided!


❤️RSVP below to join the canvass closest to you❤️

🌹Palms/Culver City - RSVP to attend the Childcare for All Canvass for the Westside Branch

🌹El Monte - RSVP to attend the Childcare for All Canvass for the Eastside/SGV Branch

🌹Korea Town - RSVP to attend the Childcare for All Canvass for the Central Branch

🌹Van Nuys - RSVP to attend the Childcare for All Canvass for the San Fernando Valley Branch 


More about the DSA-LA Childcare for All campaign:

Universal Childcare will provide play-based childcare to every worker in Los Angeles County, and ensure childcare jobs are public and unionized!

What’s happening in Ukraine? Zoom panel discussion + in-person anti-war fundraiser

Sunday, March 13 @ 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

What’s happening in Ukraine and what can socialists do about it?

DSA-LA is organizing a panel discussion on Sunday, March 13th at 2pm via Zoom with local and national DSA members who have ties to the region. We will discuss the anti-war efforts in Russia, grassroots evacuation networks in Ukraine, as well as various left perspectives from the region on the war, imperialism, and the global position of Eastern Europe.

Our participants from Los Angeles include Clare Lemlich, program director at Yiddishkayt who recently returned from Ukraine and Anatoli Ulyanov, a Ukranian journalist, visual artist, and documentarian based in our city. From New York, we will be joined by Joanna Mieleszko, a Polish mezzosoprano and program director of Ukrainian Village Voices, as well as Alex Gendler, a Ukrainian-immigrant writer and editor who writes about political theory, history and internet culture. We will also share the DSA’s statement and social media toolkit on the war. The discussion will be moderated by Miloš Jovanović, assistant professor of East European history and urban studies at UCLA.

We are also co-sponsoring an in-person fundraiser at the Workers’ Circle (Pico-Robinson), starting at 4pm. Solidarity funds will go to civilians impacted by the war, for refugee solidarity efforts, and networks working with vulnerable trans and POC migrants. You can learn more or donate online at this link.

At the Workers’ Circle, we will share statements from the Russian anti-war movement, hear updates from grassroots refugee evacuation efforts and academic workers at risk campaign. Come for Ukrainian and East European food (varenyky!) ! Stay for Ukrainian, Russian and Yiddish poetry! Solidarity, against war!


The following list is only a highlight of what's happening this week with DSA-LA. Please check out our online calendar for full list of committee meetings & chapter events! Be sure to also follow our Instagram & Twitter for real-time announcements and calls-to-action!

SFV Marxism Reading Group: South of the Border (2009 film) by Oliver Stone

TODAY! Tuesday, March 8 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Join us for our discussion of the film South of the Border, a documentary by Oscar winner Oliver Stone.

Films for Action describes the documentary: “There’s a revolution underway in South America, but most of the world doesn’t know it. Oliver Stone sets out on a road trip across five countries to explore the social and political movements as well as the mainstream media’s misperception of South America while interviewing seven of its elected presidents. In casual conversations with Presidents Hugo Chávez (Venezuela), Evo Morales (Bolivia), Lula da Silva (Brazil), Cristina Kirchner  (Argentina), as well as her husband and ex-President Nestor Kirchner,  Fernando Lugo (Paraguay), Rafael Correa (Ecuador), and Raúl Castro (Cuba), Stone gains unprecedented access and sheds new light upon the exciting transformations in the region.”

This is the first part in our module on Latin American Socialism. Later we will be reading Open Veins of Latin America by Uruguayan journalist Eduardo Galeano and Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Brazilian philosopher Paulo Freire, with two essays in between. 

The discussion group is open to all, including DSA members outside of the San Fernando Valley and non-DSA members.

Labor Committee March General Meeting

Wednesday, March 9 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Join us on Wednesday, March 9th at 7:00 PM for our monthly Labor Committee meeting. We will be discussing workplace organizing, the labor movement, and opportunities for DSA members to organize and build worker power.

The core of DSA-LA’s labor work is our Labor Circles program. If you are interested in joining a Labor Circle or forming a new Circle, you can begin by filling out the Socialist Workplace Survey. The survey will help us map where we are in LA’s economy and identify where we have workplace, industry and union membership densities to organize around. Take a minute and fill out the Socialist Workplace Survey today!

Housing and Homelessness Committee Meeting

Thursday, March 10 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Last month we agreed to focus on tenant organizing and political education/research. Now this Thursday we need to build out what these projects will look like in more detail. Join us!

We also elected two coordinators for our committee, DQ and Kellen! Now we have a full slate of leadership along with our two co-chairs Kristina and Harrison. We plan to meet every 2nd Thursday from 6:30-8pm going forward.

Mutual Aid Committee Meeting

Monday, March 14 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Join the Mutual Aid Committee for our twice-monthly committee meeting, where we’ll be discussing ongoing and upcoming committee work, as well as helping folks get plugged into other work throughout the city. New members always welcome!

Please RSVP for meeting connection information.

Mutual Aid Committee meetings are held on the second and fourth Monday of each month.

Fatima Working Group Meeting

Monday, March 14 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

We’ll be discussing all of the ways that we are helping to get Fatima into office!

Fatima is a teacher in Watts who is running against an entrenched corporate democrat who takes money from fossil fuel companies, oil companies, tobacco companies, insurance companies, and cop unions. Having her in the state assembly to provide socialist representation for the Wilmington, Harbor Gateway, Gardena, and Carson areas would not only bring a needed voice to the state assembly in Sacramento, but can provide a shining example for adjacent LA area state assembly district races.

This is gonna be a remote meeting. RSVP here for the zoom info!