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World Resources Institute


Renewable Energy Can Help Solve Spiking Energy Prices 

As the global energy crisis becomes more dire, the world is in need of reliable, affordable energy. Some have blamed spiking energy prices, particularly in Europe, on renewable energy systems. However, the opposite is true: The world needs more renewables, not less, to create reliable energy systems with stable prices. Governments need to do more to accelerate the shift to clean energy, including ensuring that electric grids can increase reliability, efficiency and accessibility. Read more.

Photo by Karsten Würth/Unsplash
A wind farm in Biedesheim, Germany. Wind turbines are one of many options available to increase renewable energy in Europe and beyond. Photo by Karsten Würth/Unsplash.
Photo by Monika Kubala/Unsplash

7 Opportunities to Reduce Emissions from Beef Production 

Food systems are one of the biggest drivers of global emissions, and beef is one of the highest contributors within those systems. While a shift away from high-beef diets will be essential to address this problem, beef production is set to continue far into the future. To address this reality, experts Richard Waite and Jessica Zionts explore opportunities for both beef producers and purchasers to reduce beef-related emissions through improved practices. Learn more.

Source: 2014CIAT/GeorginaSmith

EVENT SERIES: Turning Science Into Action on Adaptation 

The latest IPCC report underscores the importance of massively scaling climate adaptation efforts worldwide, especially for communities most vulnerable to climate change. But what does this look like in practice, and how are countries currently implementing adaptation? The Action Adaptation Coalition — of which WRI is a secretariat — will be hosting a series of events on this topic, beginning this week with a session that explores the IPCC findings and offers next steps for action. Register here.

Photo by UN Women/Gaganjit Singh

Addressing the Gender Equity Gap in Sustainable Infrastructure 

International Women’s Day on March 8 offers an opportunity to identify ways in which women are still left behind in society. One often overlooked area is infrastructure, as women only hold roughly a fourth of global energy sector jobs. Considering that bold climate action could create 65 million more jobs by 2030, it is crucial to make the just transition to clean energy equitable for all. If done right, better access to infrastructure jobs for women can lead to progress on climate goals, create economic benefits and advance gender equity worldwide. Read here.



The Cities We Need: Seven Equitable Urban Transformations
Thursday, March 10, 2022
9:00 - 10:00 am EST | 2:00 - 3:00 pm GMT

Food Systems and Biodiversity: Protecting Nature and Producing Nutritious Food in a Changing Climate
Thursday, March 10, 2022
1:00 - 2:15 pm EST | 6:00 - 7:15 pm GMT

Turning Adaptation Science to Action: IPCC WGII Report Launch Event Series by the Adaptation Action Coalition
Friday, March 10, 2022 - April 4, 2022 | 9:00-10:30 am EST
Session 1: The Road Ahead for Adaptation Action: Overview of IPCC WGII findings and Call-to-Action
Session 2: Turning IPCC Science to Action: Joint session on Water & Infrastructure
Session 3: Turning IPCC Science to Action: Joint session on Health & Locally Led Adaptation
Session 4: Adaptation Stories: How AAC countries are implementing on-the-ground adaptation

Land, trees, and women’s rights: Exploring women’s agency in restoration
Thursday, March 14, 2022
10:00 - 11:30 am EST | 2:00 - 3:30 pm GMT

Assisted Natural Regeneration: How People Help Forests Regrow
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
10:00 -11:30 am EST | 3:00 - 4:30 pm GMT

Training on Climate Data Tools with Climate Watch: Asia
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
9:00 -10:00 am CST