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Whether it’s a podcast, video, lesson, activity, or an entire curriculum, we have a variety of resources to help you and your students celebrate Women’s History Month this year. We've assembled a small sampling in this playlist. How are you and your students celebrating? Who are the women from history and in your community who have worked to create a better world for all of us? What are the civic virtues they have embodied in their lives that we can all emulate? We hope to hear from you!
Please join BRI Director of Outreach Rachel Davison Humphries and Dr. Anika Prather for a free live webinar on Tuesday, March 15 at 6 p.m. ET. Rachel and Dr. Prather will discuss the missing voices of Black authors from American history, and highlight resources from BRI's newest curriculum resource, The Plainest Demands of Justice: Documents for Dialogue on the African American Experience. Register HERE.
What were Abraham Lincoln’s views on race and freedom and equality for Black Americans? In this episode of Scholar Talks, Jon White, associate professor of American Studies at Christopher Newport University and prize-winning historian and author, joins BRI Senior Teaching Fellow Tony Williams to discuss his two books, A House Built by Slaves: African American Visitors to the Lincoln White House and To Address You as My Friend: African Americans’ Letters to Abraham Lincoln.
On February 24, Russia shocked the world when it launched an invasion into Ukraine. Policy makers have scrambled to decide how the United States and its allies should respond to this event. There have been debates over the numerous options that the United States should take. What do your students think? Should the United States increase military aid to Ukraine? The students with the two best answers will each win an Amazon gift card, BRI swag, and be entered for a chance to win $1,000.

Lawless bandits, high sea adventure, and buried treasure! When we dress up as pirates on Halloween, do our humorous sayings and elaborate costumes bear any resemblance to the real pirates that once terrorized North America? In this episode of Fabric of History, Mary, Kirk, and Haley discuss piracy's rise and fall in the Mediterranean and American colonies, Blackbeard’s fierce tactics, pirate havens, and more. Why did so many choose this rough life and why do we romanticize pirates today?
Educator Spotlight 
Meet Amy Reece!
Amy Reece jokes that she probably first knew she wanted to be a teacher, "when I lined up all my stuffed animals and taught them all sorts of questionable material." Amy has been teaching for 27 years, serves as a Bill of Rights Institute professional development instructor, and currently teaches Economics, U.S. Government, Journalism/Yearbook at Nex+Gen Academy High School in Albuquerque, New Mexico...Read More. 
BoE: Bottom of Email
Dear John,

In an effort to better serve those of you who teach with current events, we are changing up a few things on the content side here at BRI.

Starting this week, we will focus on one topic in the news–this week it's the war in Ukraine–and build our "e-Lesson" email that goes out every other Thursday, our Think the Vote debate topic for students, and our "This Week in Civics" Monday morning video around that topic. In this way, we hope to help facilitate the kind of informed, civil debate and discussion you are having in your classrooms by providing relevant historical lessons and resources, with a new focus and new content every two weeks.

We'd love to know what you think of this new approach and what kind of topics you would like to see us address. Please share your ideas and lesson plans with us so we can share with the rest of our teacher community. 


Laura Vlk
Director, Educator Engagement
Bill of Rights Institute
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