Ilhan for Congress

Friends —

Today marks 27 years since my family arrived in America — a land of democracy and opportunity.

I was a refugee, a young girl who fled civil war in Somalia and found refuge in Kenya at a camp with no running water. We arrived at the same airport where I later flew into to be sworn into Congress. The beauty of those two pivotal moments happening in the same place is not lost on me.

Ilhan Omar as a child.

We found a home in Minneapolis, Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District, which I proudly represent in Congress today. My love of democracy was born when I helped translate for my grandfather at our local Democratic caucuses. I went on to become a first-generation college graduate and worked as a nutrition educator, organizer, and more.

When I first ran for office, it was because I knew the needs of my community and wanted to fight for them in the Minnesota House. I went on to run for Congress and became one of the first Muslim women to serve, along with Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, and the first African refugee in Congress. In the years since, we’ve built a strong, people-first movement to make progress on the issues that matter to people most — like canceling student debt, Medicare for All, and ongoing economic relief during this pandemic.

None of it has been easy. I’ve faced obstacles, from anti-Muslim bullying in school, to student debt, to Islamophobic and sexist attacks. But everything I’ve achieved was possible because I had a real shot at the American Dream — a chance that everyone should have.

All these years later, I still believe in a better America and a better world for everyone. One where the working class earns fair wages and good benefits, the needs of our communities and our planet are put above corporate profit, and more immigrants and refugees have a true pathway to citizenship.

I know that little girl that arrived in America almost three decades ago would be amazed at all that has happened since. But in three more decades, I hope to look back having brought about far more lasting change — and I know we can make it happen together.

In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar