
Everyday Joe Biden is in office is a gift to our enemies – but this one could be lethal.

While the media is busy trying to force us into war with Russia, Biden and his cronies have been quietly brokering a terrible, new Iran Deal – and it's even worse than the last.

Billions of dollars in cash to Iran. No inspectors allowed. AND a sunset clause which would all but guarantee a nuclear Iran.

That's right.

It's a trick he learned under the Obama administration: have the media focus on a war while he sends a gift to one of our enemies.

And what's worse, while Joe Biden talks tough against Russia and Putin since they invaded Ukraine, he's RELYING on Russia to broker this deal.

And you and I only have ONE chance to stop these insane proposals from becoming a reality.

Which is why I'm asking you to give an emergency gift of $35 or more to Secure America Now – because we've stopped the Iran Deal before and we can stop the Iran Deal again.

Let me take a step back and introduce myself.

My name is David Goder and I'm the Co-Founder of Secure America Now (SAN) – the largest grassroots organization in the United States dedicated to keeping our nation safe.

You may remember the last time the radical left tried to force an Iran Deal down our throats.

It was 2015, and Barack Obama was sending planes full of cash to Iran.

When we found out, we called in a full court press from coast-to-coast, collecting petition signatures, showing up to Senator Manchin's townhall events, and making hundreds of thousands of phone calls telling our senators to stand up and oppose the deal.

Famously, both Manchin and Senator Chuck Schumer opposed the Iran Deal because of our efforts.

But this kind of grassroots action takes money, and if we're going to stop an even worse bill under an even worse "president" – we're going to need a lot of it, and fast.

Will you join Secure America Now and help us stop the imminent Iran Deal with an urgent gift of $35 or more today?

Behind a media smokescreen, Biden sent Robert Malley, a long-time advocate and friend of Iran, to Tehran to make a deal.

It's like sending Bernie Sanders to make a deal with Cuba.

This deal would lift sanctions on some of the world's most horrific terrorists – and make the axis of evil even stronger.

The Biden "administration" is relying on Russia to finalize this deal, and if it goes through, Iran will could send enriched uranium stockpiles to Russia.

Joe Biden is playing a dangerous game right under your nose, with your own tax dollars…

…and if he succeeds, it will be a DISASTER for America and our allies.

What's worse – Biden is set to announce this deal ANY DAY NOW.

Your donation will fund our efforts, and make sure that Senators like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, along with every Republican legislator, oppose the Iran Deal.

But we have one chance, and this is it.

You see, the new Iran Deal MUST come before the United States Senate because it changes the terms that President Trump imposed on Iran.

Trump placed sanctions on Iran and refused to send them the cash that they demanded.

But you and I know full well that Biden and Malley are going to give Iran everything they want – including the ability to produce nuclear weapons.

Especially since Russia is involved.

Joe Biden has made America a laughingstock on the world stage.

Between the Afghanistan disaster and what's happening in Ukraine, Biden has been nothing but weak and feeble in the face of international confrontation.

Which is why he sent Iran's best friend, Malley, to make a sweetheart deal with their radical government, and has brought Russia into negotiations.

He threatens Putin on the world stage, only to come back begging for his help like a dog with his tail between his legs.

It's up to patriots like you to take a stand and DEMAND that the Iran Deal be stopped.

So please, don't hesitate.

Follow this link to send an emergency gift of $35 or more today and help us stop the Iran Deal.

Together, I believe we can stop this deal and stop radical Iran from producing nukes, but we don't stand a chance without you.

We're counting on you.

Thank you, 
David Goder
David Goder
Secure America Now

P.S. There is no time to waste. Rob Malley returned from Iran days ago and the announcement of the new Iran Deal could happen any time. We have to start fighting NOW. Please consider sending a gift or $10, $35, $50, or more right now!



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