Hey there, it’s Jenna again. I have an exciting update to share!

At this very moment, we are fewer than 15,000 donors away from the threshold to qualify for the December debate stage.

We’ve come a long way in the past week -- adding hundreds of first-time donors to this team every single day. Now, we can’t slow down.

Make your very first donation of $1 right now to join the more than 185,000 others who have already stepped up to help Cory secure his spot in the December debate.

The stakes are high here. If we don’t meet the qualifying thresholds for the December debate, then Cory’s voice will be left out of the conversation.

Every time he’s on that stage, more people get to know him and more people learn how critical it is to have his voice part of this conversation. It’s up to us to make sure the November debate isn’t his last.

Chip in today to help our campaign keep growing. Every single dollar goes a long way toward helping Cory get on the debate stage in December and ultimately win the White House.

Thanks so much for being a member of this team.


Jenna Lowenstein
Deputy Campaign Manager
Cory 2020


Paid for by Cory 2020

P.O. Box 32009 Newark, NJ 07102 | All content © 2019 Cory 2020, All Rights Reserved.

Contributions or gifts to Cory 2020 are not tax deductible.

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