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Biden is right to rule out a ‘no-fly zone’ in Ukraine

By Anatol Lieven on Mar 07, 2022 12:14 pm

It would not only split NATO, but could end up being one of the most disastrous foreign policy gambits ever taken by the US.
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The ‘end of history’ … again?

By Andrew J. Bacevich on Mar 07, 2022 03:30 am

Beware of those declaring the world order has shifted or disappeared, pushing us toward another costly 'generational' conflict.
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Biden pursues China-containment in new Indo-Pacific strategy

By Michael D. Swaine on Mar 07, 2022 03:13 am

As a result, America is punting on critical climate cooperation with Beijing.
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Risk of weapons vanishing as over 20 countries send arms to Ukraine

By Taylor Giorno on Mar 07, 2022 03:09 am

Diversion to the black market was already a problem there. Now that the pipeline is flowing, there needs to be more controls.
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How to get to a place of peace for Ukraine

By Anatol Lieven on Mar 03, 2022 12:06 pm

Negotiation involving compromises on both sides will spare the people suffering, while preserving their sovereignty and independence.
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Do we really want another Cold War?

By Mathew Burrows on Mar 02, 2022 03:56 am

We must ensure Russia's punishment is appropriate but avoids long-term damage — or we're doomed to reliving the past.
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