![]() Dear Fellow Patriot, The collapse of the U.S. housing market is a distant memory for many. But more than a decade after the last bubble popped, what has really changed? The national debt has doubled and is now over $22 TRILLION. In response to the last financial crisis, the Federal Reserve created nearly $3 TRILLION of “assets” out of thin air. And when the next bubble bursts, you and I will be left holding the bag. Without your action today, I’m afraid members of BOTH parties will continue to just look the other way while the Fed’s “print-now, ask-questions-later” policies bankrupt every man, woman, and child in the United States. So I’m counting on you to please click here to sign your Audit the Fed petition urging your Congressman and Senators today to do everything in their power to pass Audit the Fed (H.R. 24/S. 148). This legislation calls for a full audit of the Federal Reserve by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) into the Fed’s financial transactions and monetary policy actions, including the dramatic steps taken by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) over the past decade. Audit the Fed has already passed through the U.S. House twice with overwhelming, three-fourths bipartisan margins in previous congresses. And with President Trump expressing support for Audit the Fed on the campaign trail, it’s up to you and me to force this bill to reach his desk -- what happens there is anyone’s guess. If he’s truly serious about “Draining the Swamp” and DESTROYING Washington, D.C.’s corrupt power structure, which continues to leech off hardworking, everyday Americans, there’s no bigger step he could take. But none of this can happen if Audit the Fed gets stonewalled in Congress. That’s why your signed petitions are so critical. The truth is, statists in BOTH parties understand there’s nothing that will bring the Big Government “utopia” they’ve created in Washington, D.C. crashing down faster than finally exposing the Federal Reserve! Whether it’s never-ending spending programs driving our country to $22 TRILLION in debt -- or one foreign policy disaster after another -- the Federal Reserve has fueled everything you and I HATE about Washington, D.C. for decades. But should Audit the Fed become law, it would finally show the American people that the Federal Reserve System leads to: ***
Ever-expanding Big Government and endless spending. Now that politicians have figured out the Fed will just print money out of thin air to
pay the bills if taxing and borrowing can’t make ends meet, BOTH parties continually spend like there’s no tomorrow; *** Constant economic crises. The 2008 housing crisis and the resulting chaos is just one example of an economic bubble created by centrally planned interest rates and money manipulation. Former Fed Chair Janet Yellen claimed we’ll never see another crisis like that in our lifetimes. But evidence is mounting there’s another right around the corner! *** The destruction of the middle class. As food, housing, medical care, and education costs soar, everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of their money sinks; *** Currency destruction. History shows us that riots, violence, and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize our money isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on and REFUSE to accept it. That’s why I’m counting on you to please click here to sign your Audit the Fed petition right away. The good news is, I sincerely believe we CAN get this done. The last time Audit the Fed was voted on in the U.S. Senate, we earned a Senate majority, falling just 7 votes shy of overcoming a filibuster. And four Senators who voted “NO!” on Audit the Fed went down to defeat in 2018. With pick-ups in the 2018 Senate elections, that means we’re inching ever closer to reaching the 60-vote threshold we need. You see, while new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has never supported auditing the Fed, we’ve passed it through the U.S. House twice -- each time with overwhelming bipartisan support. I’m virtually certain the votes are there for House passage. But it’s going to require forcing Speaker Pelosi’s hand to allow a vote. The more House and Senate cosponsors we can generate for Audit the Fed, the more momentum we’ll create. That’s why it’s so important that you sign your Audit the Fed petitions to your U.S. Representative and Senators. If we can generate a stack of petitions a mile high to place on legislators’ desks, it will send the message to Washington, D.C. that support for Audit the Fed is growing -- just at the right time! But we must act quickly to: 1) Use mail and email to contact up to 12 million Americans from
coast-to-coast to generate petitions just like these to Congress; 2) Work the talk-radio lines and online blogs to explain exactly why Audit the Fed is absolutely critical to stopping the economic DISASTER I’m worried is right around the corner; 3) Launch an all-out email and phone mobilization campaign to explain why the Federal Reserve MUST be exposed. Of course, I’d like to do even more -- including Internet, radio, and even TV ads -- if I can raise the funds. But unlike the Fed, I can’t just snap my fingers and create money out of thin air. Campaign for Liberty depends on the generosity of good folks like you for everything we do. So, in addition to signing your Audit the Fed petitions, will you please consider making a generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty today? I’m not sure what you can afford. But please understand just how critical this is. Fed apologists and members of BOTH parties are going all out to stop you and me. They know if you and I actually succeed in putting Audit the Fed on President Trump’s desk, Washington, D.C. will never be the same. Exposing the Fed is the first critical step toward unraveling the Big Government Leviathan that intrudes in almost every aspect of our lives. So will you please click here to sign your Audit the Fed petitions and agree to your most generous contribution possible today? For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. The Fed’s “print-now, ask-questions-later” policies bankrupt every man, woman, and child in America. Exposing the Federal Reserve will strike a critical blow to the Big Government Leviathan that intrudes in almost every aspect of our lives. So please sign your Audit the Fed petitions and make your most generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty TODAY. |