
Dear ,

Friday marks the 1st Anniversary of the American Rescue Plan! The ARP was put into action to help give Americans like you relief at the height of the first COVID wave.

Nicole Malliotakis voted NO on this landmark COVID relief bill.

Part of that plan, the Child Tax Credit, reduced child poverty by 30%.

Radical Malliotakis voted NO on renewing the Child Tax Credit.

"Since the Child Tax Credit expired, nearly 3.7 million more children are in poverty...In the span of just 1 month, from Dec 2021 & Jan 2022, the monthly child poverty rate increased from 12.1% to 17%, the highest rate seen since the end of 2020."

READ MORE HERE, then consider chipping in $10, $50, or even $100 to help us defeat Malliotakis in November.>>

Thank you for standing with us,

Your Friends at Nicole Is Complicit PAC

Look, we can’t do this without you. Nicole has all the conspiracy theorists sending money her way because she’s one of them. If we want to take back this district and restore civility, it’s up to us.


Paid for by the Nicole Is Complicit PAC (NICPAC.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.


Copyright (C) 2022 NICPAC. All rights reserved.

Staten Island, NY .

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