From Connecticut Republican Party <>
Subject Trunk Talk: Your Weekly Newsletter from the CTGOP
Date March 7, 2022 9:18 PM
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Dear John,

This is your weekly newsletter from the Connecticut Republicans called "Trunk Talk". We hope you enjoy these updates.

In case you missed it, below are few recent highlights from the Connecticut Republicans on what is happening in Connecticut and in the news nation wide.

The CTGOP was pleased to welcome GOP Chairman McDaniel to New Britain to open the first ever RNC Community Center in CT ([link removed])

** Learn more about the new RNC Community Center and how it will assist CT Republicans in the video below

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CT Republicans Made a Push For Workforce Training Programs ([link removed])
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Connecticut Republicans have a plan for juvenile crime. ([link removed]) Democrats response was skeptical... After all, they've done 'All they can do' ([link removed])
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How an unsigned memo forced more retirements and resignations inside King Ned's administration ([link removed])
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We are fighting back against Ned Lamont and the Democrats' lack of transparency and radical agenda. Your generous support will help us continue to support Republicans' throughout the State of Connecticut

You can donate here: [link removed]
Save Our State ([link removed])
In the News:
National GOP see opportunity to win Connecticut House seat ([link removed])

Connecticut Gas Prices Rise Amid Russian-Ukraine Conflict ([link removed])

Blumenthal faces ethics complaint over stock trades amid talk of trading ban ([link removed])

The far left has perpetuated nationwide lawlessness and the Biden administration is complicit ([link removed])

Breakneck inflation No. 1 worry for small businesses ([link removed])

John, Connecticut Republicans are working overtime to stop the Democrats' radical agenda. With YOUR help, we can save our state and stand up for America.

If you want to join the Connecticut Comeback, your donation will help us take back the house in 2022, you can donate here: [link removed]

Join the Connecticut Comeback ([link removed])

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Connecticut Republican Party
176 Laning Street
Southington, Connecticut 06489
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