Will Putin stop, if he wins in Ukraine?

Let’s take a look! currently 90% of forward deployed Russian combat forces are engaged in fighting in Ukraine. Russia has lost more than 40 fixed wing combat aircraft, 39 helicopters, and have lost an estimated 11,000 soldiers in just over eight days of combat in Ukraine.

Allied cross boarder transfer of arms, munitions, & humanitarian supplies are being delivered to Ukraine. The Biden administration and our international allies are keeping up the pressure & coordination and will economically hamstring the Putin regime! The Russian Army will be chewed to pieces in Ukraine.

Logistics and operational requirements are large for MIGs deliver them asap but immediately provide easy to use combat drones and javelins to all forward Ukrainian positions.

As in the caption below we can see that Putin and his minions believe that the Russian Lebensraum includes all former Soviet Block countries. They are evil dictators trying to gobble up their neighbors land and resources. Putin does not care if he has to kill all 45 million Ukrainians. He is a ruthless murderer with all the malevolence of a Hitler or Stalin. Putin must be stopped in Ukraine or we will face a wider war in Europe.

Putin hijacked the Russian Federation.

After the fall of the Soviet Union the people of Russia chose to have an elected representative federation. With a presidency that had term limits.

As soon as the Soviet Union broke up into independent Nation States including the Russian Federation, Putin started a personal campaign to destroy the elected Federation.

Putin was elected and served his term as President and in 2008 his puppet Dmitry Medvedev was elected while Putin became Prim Minister. We of course knew that Putin was still the dictator. They changed the Russian Law preventing Putin from serving indefinitely and Putin was then “elected” again in the blatantly fraudulent 2012 Russian Presidential Election.

Putin is not the legitimate or chosen leader of the Russian People…

Putin hijacked the Russian State and now Controls the worlds largest nuclear Arsenal with all the ruthlessness recklessness and ego of a Jospeh Stalin or Adolf Hitler.

Putin is an international war criminal and not the legitimate President of Russia and he must be removed from power by whatever means available before the war spreads across Europe and the globe.

Putin is not the legitimate head of the Russian State, he is the head of an international crime syndicate committing genocide against the sovereign Nation and Free 45 million citizens of Ukraine.

Putin only understands one thing and that is strength.

Russia should be removed from all international organizations including INTERPOL and losing their seat on the Security Council which they never should have received in lieu of the former Soviet Union.

NATO and all member Nations on the United Nations Security Council should sign and adopt a “No First Use Treaty.”

Making it explicitly clear that the West will only respond to nuclear attacks never launch them preemptively.

If a NATO no fly ZONE should be enacted with implementation dates announced citing the Crimes against humanity that Putin’s illegitimate illegal regime is carrying out.

At that point, Putin’s only option would be full thermonuclear war, I don’t think Putin wants himself and his regime vaporized.

Implementing this would surely lead to Russians firing on our aircraft and we would then destroy those locations that fired on our Aircraft.

That potentially means pounding S400 missile sites in Russia and destroying Russian ground troops on the field that attack our Aircraft with shoulder fired rockets. We would destroy Russia in a conventional and air war; however, this would create the high likelihood of nuclear conflict.

We cannot allow a Free democratic Nation of 45 million people to be destroyed because of possible direct conflict with Russia but we cannot escalate or give our enemies cause to escalate to the nuclear option. It is not an option and would likely end the human race.

Our moral values require action. Putin will not stop after destroying and killing the people of Ukraine. We must enact the strongest most comprehensives measures in history in order to force the internal deposal of Putin as quickly as possible.

I believe the battle in Ukraine will be decided in the next 60 to 90 days. We must therefore organize and prioritize the quickest most lethal supplies and critical support to forward operating Ukrainians.

We are already at War with Vladimir Putin. He has been orchestrating and waiting for an opportunity to initiate War in Europe in order to establish a new world order.

The longer we wait the worse the atrocities will become. We can and are supplying Ukrainians with weapons of war. Getting the correct weapons to them and the training they need to operate them is critical.

The international community must come together to thwart this rising evil before it embroils the world. Direct conflict with Putin’s Russia has already begun. Genocide is being committed against the Ukrainian people.

We should remove Putin by any and all means available that will not risk Nuclear War.

We keep flooding the Country with weapons and munitions and supplies and aid with intelligence, which we are already doing and which Putin has stated is an act of war.

The unity shown so far in the NATO alliance is significant and it is what is needed. Starving Putin’s war machine with sanctions and the needed oil embargo etc. will end the conflict in our favor in time. Our current path will not however stop the genocide being carried out against the Ukrainian people. It is a question of moral values and calculated risks.

We need the Congress and the international community to continue to support Ukraine and restore the unified military superiority of the NATO alliance. We could offer full relief of all sanctions and the guarantee that Ukraine will not be allowed into the NATO alliance if Putin agrees to withdraw all forces from Ukraine, including Crimea.

An implementation date and significant concessions could be offered if Vladimir was a good faith negotiator. He is not and Putin will not stop in Ukraine. I believe we could diplomatically end the war if Putin was a good faith negotiator. The US should offer negotiable terms including implementation dates for international observes and aid to be delivered, in concession for withdrawal and ceasing hostilities Russia could be offered the guarantee of Ukrainian neutrality.

Ukrainian disarmament is out of the question.

Putin’s Army will be ground to pieces in Ukraine and the NATO alliance is stronger than it has ever been! I think Putin knows this now and we could offer significant off-ramps.

I do not believe Putin will take them and so believe we need to have implementation plans to stop the genocide and remove the illegitimate criminal regime that stole the Russian state while avoiding nuclear war.

Putin’s agenda is empire and conquest and revenge against the US for the Soviet Unions implosion. We are just witnessing the still raging dissolution of the Soviet Union. Putin will not take these off-ramps but we should offer them.We desperately need members in Congress that understand the capabilities and limitations of our military forces.

Elect An Honest Congress $20.22
Elect An Honest Congress $202.2
Elect An Honest Congress $2022
Elect An Honest Congress $5600

Thanks for reading to the end!!! If you are local come on over and help us stuff some letters on March 12th!!! Cheese Wine Crackers and good conversation is on us!!!!

Semper Fi

Ike McCorkle

Combat Wounded

USMC Retired