Good afternoon and welcome to our Week-End Update.
The impeachment hearings are continuing despite the following: this
is a highly biased process, the leading Democrat players have
predetermined presumptions of guilt and have been untruthful about
contact with the whistleblower, and there has been no evidence of quid
pro quo. There has also been significant opportunity lost for America.
Democrat leadership has prioritized politics over the people, instead
of bringing the USMCA to the floor, lowering prescription drug costs,
and passing an infrastructure bill. Click
here to watch my remarks on the floor of the House regarding this
unfair process.

Last weekend, my interview with CBS-21’s Robb Hanrahan on Face the
State aired. We addressed the current impeachment hearings and had a
spirited debate with the panel. I want to thank Robb for having me
join his program. Click
here to watch.

On Veterans Day, I appeared on Fox Business’s Mornings with Maria
Bartiromo to discuss my work on the House Veterans Affairs Committee,
including our work to address the suicide issue among veterans and the
many ways we are working to improve veterans access to quality
healthcare. Click
here to watch.

Later, we attended a lunch where we honored our veterans, including
WWII veteran and war hero Pat Solano. He is a true friend and mentor
and I would like to thank all the veterans again for their service,
especially those who fought in WWII. They were the greatest generation
whose bravery changed the course of history by defeating the Nazi

That evening, we attended an event honoring our veterans at the
Berwick Elks Lodge #1138. I would like to thank Mark Gardner from the
Berwick Elks Veteran Committee, veteran Kip McCabe, AMVETS Post 9 and
Theresa Harris. Theresa and her team put the entire event together and
provided us with one of the best meals I have had in a long time.

This highlight of the week was attending a hearing with Federal
Reserve Chair Powell. Chairman Powell sees clear skies ahead for the
U.S. economy. Powell says he doesn’t see “a day of
reckoning" coming anytime soon. Click
here to watch my remarks and his testimony.

I enjoyed speaking at the AIME, Association of
Independent Mortgage Experts, lunch to discuss home loans and
financial services issues affecting the people of our

In News WE HEARD In The Mainstream Media:
Editorial Boards and concerned Americans are writing to
the media to express dismay regarding the Democrat’s impeachment sham
and their refusal to take on the real issues facing our nation.... and
the media is publishing their remarks.
New York Post Editorial Board- “Democrats
from Speaker Nancy Pelosi on down are open about their intentions
here: The point now isn’t to examine the evidence so they can decide
whether to impeach President Trump, but simply to sway public opinion
against him.”
Jenna Ellis Rives in The Hill- “Schiff
and Pelosi are not interested in real demonstrations of innocence or
guilt. Their only interest is staging a political coup against their
adversaries. But this is even bigger than the president. This is an
attempt to overthrow the federal government from the inside.”
Fox News’s Gregg Jarrett– “Much like the
hyped-up “whistleblower,” Rep. Schiff today is calling forward
individuals to testify who admit they have no firsthand knowledge of
President Trump’s telephone call with the President of Ukraine. “The
Democratic chairman of the House Intelligence Committee says he
doesn’t want Republicans turning the impeachment proceedings into a
‘sham.’ The hilarious irony is lost on no one.”
Michael Goodwin in the New York Post -
“For those who find the hearings far from riveting but watch out of
obligation or amusement, here’s a modest suggestion to pass the hours
productively: Count the important things your representatives could
and should be doing otherwise. They could seal the border and fix the
immigration mess. They could get back to that huge infrastructure
program that everybody in Washington said they wanted. Pelosi could
pass the new NAFTA deal, with even the unions blasting Dems for doing
Darlene Robins, leader of a Pennsylvania
manufacturing association in the Wilkes-Barre Times
Leader- “It has become clearer than ever
that our trading policies with Canada and Mexico need to be modernized
— which is why Congress must take action and ratify the United
States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) promptly.”
The Democrat’s Impeachment Hearings are nothing more than a
campaign attack being financed with our tax dollars. Democrats believe
this will help them win the White House. This process is a joke and as
you can read, many hardworking Americans are on to them.
In Our Friday Night Light’s Update: It
was a great week in Schuylkill County. Tamaqua High School Football
won their district championship for the first time, Penn State
Schuylkill women’s cross country team won the conference title for the
third consecutive year at the Pennsylvania state university athletic
conference championships. I acknowledged both coaches, including Sam
Bonner, Tamaqua High School football coach and Joe Muldowney, coach of
the Penn State Schuylkill women’s cross country team and their teams
for their success. Click
here to watch my remarks.

One last Friday Night Light's highlight, my son Danny's team, the
Dallas Mountaineers, won a tough game over Valley View High School to
win the District 2 Class AAAA Championship.
Thank you and we will see you soon,