Here's the AIA weekly update for March 7, 2022...
🗒️ Anti-Police Student Protesters Rally in Maryland
Left-wing indoctrination has been at the center of ongoing education activism as parents protested school boards for encouraging or permitting one-sided political narratives to be taught in public schools. A recent example of indoctrination’s effects...
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🗒️ Biden’s Education Department forgives $415 million in student loans
Student loan forgiveness is a rallying cry from the progressives on the political Left, and it appears that the Biden administration heeded their base’s call. The Department of Education said it will cancel student loans...
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🗒️ Catholic schools see enrollment jump during pandemic
With public education struggling to retain students and the support of parents, Catholic schools have seen a significant jump in enrollment for the first time in two decades.
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🗒️ Mask mandate requirement lifted by judge in Virginia
Over two years into the coronavirus pandemic, reason and sensible policies have re-entered the education space. Several public school systems in northern Virginia have enacted mask-optional policies for their students, which parents and activists cheered...
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Have a wonderful week!
-- The Accuracy in Academia team
Accuracy in Academia PO Box 5647 Derwood, MD 20855-0647 United States |