Hi John,
In coming weeks, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors will vote on three competing proposals to legalize up to four homes on every lot in San Francisco. The only proposal that will meaningfully build housing is the one authored by Supervisor Rafael Mandelman and (our endorsed Assembly candidate) Supervisor Matt Haney. You can send an email in support of their legislation here.
All three proposals will be heard at the SF Land Use Committee virtual TODAY, Monday, March 7th. The hearing starts at 1:30pm and all three items should be considered at 2:30pm or so (estimated start time).
Are you able to join and speak in support at the virtual hearing? If so, fill out this form and you’ll receive a calendar invite, talking points, and email updates during the hearing so you know when to call in from our friends at the Housing Action Coalition. Alternatively, you can go to City Hall, Room 250, and give public comment in person.