Dear John,

This week, our country suffered yet another senseless school shooting. A gunman killed 14-year-old Dominic Blackwell and 15-year-old Gracie Anne Muehlberger and injured three others at Saugus High School in Santa Clarita, California. In just 16 seconds, this act of gun violence has changed the community of Santa Clarita for a lifetime. 

This can’t be our America. There are solutions to prevent these tragedies, like passing universal background checks and banning assault weapons. Yet it’s been more than 260 days since gun safety legislation landed on Mitch McConnell’s desk — and he refuses to bring it to a vote. Every day McConnell refuses to act, another 100 people in America are killed by gun violence. Inaction is lethal. 

We must demand action. Please add your name to our petition demanding Trump and McConnell pass gun reform now!

Brady Action Awards: Celebrating 25 Years of Bipartisan Solutions  

Actor Bryan Cranston and Brady President Kris Brown present Speaker Pelosi with the Congressional Action Award.

We’re still starstruck from our annual gala! On Thursday night, doctors, actors, survivors, politicians, and more united to celebrate Brady’s work to end gun violence. And we honored champions in the fight. Speaker Nancy Pelosi was awarded for her long devotion to preventing gun violence and leading the 116th Congress in passing historic bipartisan gun safety bills. We honored President Bill Clinton for his legacy in signing the Brady Bill and passing historic gun reform. Rep. Peter King (R-NY) was awarded for his work across the aisle, embodying what it means to take action, not sides. Citibank received our first-ever Corporate Action Award, and Covington & Burling LLP was awarded for its legal work to reform the gun industry.

Ending gun violence isn't about politics. It's about saving lives. 

Rep. Lucy McBath (D-GA) with Team ENOUGH member and gun violence survivor Tatiana Washington.

This Could Be the Most Dangerous Supreme Court Decision in History

On Monday, December 2, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear New York v. New York State Rifle, the first gun-related case in a decade. This is an NRA lawsuit, and its ruling could be used to eliminate gun laws across the country. The plaintiffs, including an affiliate of the NRA, are pushing an extreme and erroneous interpretation of the Constitution Brady filed an amicus brief in the case. On December 2, we’re rallying at the Supreme Court with a coalition of gun violence prevention groups. Together, we’re demanding the case be dismissed. We need your help to fight against the NRA's extreme approach that threatens our lives and safety. Sign up to join us in rallying at the Supreme Court on Monday, December 2!

An advertisement used in the marketing campaign for the Bushmaster AR-15-style rifle — the weapon used by the Sandy Hook killer.

A Step Toward Justice for Families and Survivors from Sandy Hook

This week, we celebrated a huge win in the fight to reform the gun industry and take assault weapons off our streets. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled to allow a lawsuit against gun manufacturer Remington to move ahead. Remington made and sold the Bushmaster AR-15-style assault rifle, which in 2012 was used to murder 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The case argues that Remington recklessly marketed the deadly Bushmaster to civilians through an aggressive “Man Card” campaign that targeted young men with violent tendencies. Brady’s legal team assisted in the lawsuit and blazed the trail that helped move the Sandy Hook families’ case forward. 

Weapons of war have no place in our communities. And right now, as we celebrate this legal victory, Congress has the chance to move forward on a lifesaving bill to ban assault weapons. Rep. David Cicilline’s (D-RI) bipartisan bill is just two cosponsors short from a floor vote. Please join us in urging representatives to support the federal assault weapons ban!

Brady Board Chair Kevin Quinn with President Bill Clinton (above). Jim Brady sat beside Clinton when the President signed the Brady Bill into law on November 30, 1993. The landmark law went into effect February 28, 1994. Learn more.

Attorney General William Barr’s Plan to Prevent Gun Violence Falls Short 

Yet again, we’ve been delivered a red herring by the Trump administration. This week, Attorney General Barr announced a new initiative to prevent gun violence. But it’s entirely toothless. While the proposal might sound promising, nothing in it is new. Rather, it’s just a statement that the government will improve coordination with the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) — but without any new means to do so. Read more in the New York Times.

Our Work to Combat Crime Guns in Wisconsin 

Brady has been an instrumental part of the creation of Wisconsin’s 80% Coalition, a statewide, multi-disciplinary movement of non-profit, faith-based, and other organizations in support of stronger state gun laws. Last week, Brady staff rallied with hundreds of 80% Coalition activists during a special legislative session on gun policy. Despite the stonewalling of the legislative leadership, Brady’s Combating Crime Guns Initiative is helping Gov. Tony Evers (D-WI) and Attorney General Josh Kaul (D-WI) make meaningful progress on gun reform. Learn more about our work in Wisconsin! New On Our Podcast, Red, Blue, and Brady —

Jose Villacorta, who lives near Saugus High School, is being hailed as a hero after opening his home to students running from the gunfire during Thursday’s shooting. News reports say Villacorta sheltered 10-15 students. At the same time, Saugus High School choir teacher Katie Holt took quick and immediate action to treat a wounded student.

Yet neither Holt nor Villacorta should have to be a hero. “That should not be part of the teacher’s job,” Holt said. “I should not feel like I needed to be trained like a paramedic to save someone’s life and deal with the consequences of that.”
Take It From a Veteran: Gun Control Will Actually Protect Our Right to Bear Arms, Newsweek

Justice Dept. Unveils Gun Plan, Sidestepping a Preoccupied Washington, New York Times

13 Investigates: Significant Jail Time Rare After Kids Get Hold of Guns, ABC13

Barr Unveils Plan to Combat Gun Violence, Wall Street Journal

Wisconsin County Becomes 'Second Amendment Sanctuary', CBS58

Brady Quote of the Week 🎤

“The Trump administration has in fact expanded access to firearms, including for individuals deemed dangerous or who should not possess a gun. Shame on them. These bills will save lives and every day they sit on Sen. McConnell’s desk approximately 100 Americans die from gun violence. That responsibility lies with the Majority Leader and the President. That blood is on their hands.”

— Vice President of Policy Christian Heyne in the Memphis Flyer


Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
840 First Street, NE
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20002
United States

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