Foreign students fleeing Ukraine battle racism, extortion

Students from Africa, Asia and the Middle East face racism in Ukraine as they desperately try to evacuate

Ukraine crisis highlights Big Tech's potential to disrupt daily life

With iPhone sales halted and popular payment wallets offline, ordinary Russians face disruption as major tech companies respond to sanctions and political pressure over Ukraine invasion

Ukraine war: Can Russia use crypto to avoid sanctions?

From bitcoin mining to cyber crime, Russia is eyeing cryptocurrencies to ease the impact of western sanctions - but how would that work?

Trans and non-binary people trapped in war-torn Ukraine

The rule forcing men aged 18 to 60 to stay and fight has left many trans women and non-binary people stranded in the country.

Sentenced for a selfie: Middle East police target LGBTQ+ phones

WhatsApp, Grindr and Facebook were once a place that gay, bisexual and trans Arabs could find freedom. Now, their digital footprints could land them behind bars

Asian workers pushed to upskill as pandemic quickens digital shift

The pandemic accelerated digitisation and automation by governments and firms, but there is a risk of widening inequality

India's first social plan for closed coal hubs aims for 'honourable' lives

The government plan, backed by the World Bank, will support new employment and basic services in parts of India where coal mining is on the decline


OPINION: A climate-positive future must be built on equity

A just transition is the strongest model for tackling the complexities of global warming, while creating decent work opportunities

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