Tell Bayer-Monsanto: Stop Selling Toxic Bee-Killing Chemicals!

Bayer-Monsanto is the largest manufacturer of bee-killing neonic pesticides. Sign the petition to get its toxic chemicals off the market!
NRDC Activist,
An unrelenting torrent of poisonous bee-killing pesticides called neonicotinoids — or "neonics" — is a leading cause of the alarming decline of America's bees. This is disastrous.
One out of three bites of food we eat — including fruits, vegetables, and nuts — are pollinated by bees and other insects. But big agrichemical giants are pushing more of these toxic products, while Trump's EPA continues to approve their use, further poisoning our bees and our food.
NRDC is fighting back. A recent court ruling has allowed NRDC to proceed with a critical lawsuit against the EPA — a lawsuit that aims to restrict the toxic neonic pesticides that are killing bees! That's not all: we're building massive public opposition to the largest manufacturer of these toxic chemicals — Bayer-Monsanto — and we need you to join in:
While we take on the EPA in court, we need your powerful voice to help us build a groundswell of public pressure against Bayer-Monsanto: Send a message to the company's CEO demanding that Bayer-Monsanto stop selling its poisonous products that are killing our critical pollinators.
America's bee crisis is getting worse. Beekeepers recently reported the largest recorded winter losses of pollinating honeybees ever — nearly 40 percent — and a large part of the blame can be placed on a catastrophic flood of highly toxic neonics.
Studies show that neonics sicken and kill bees. And these pesticides made by Bayer-Monsanto are so toxic that, even in minute doses, they weaken the immune and navigation systems of bees, as well as their stamina and memory — making them less likely to survive.
Help us keep the pressure on Bayer-Monsanto by signing the petition right now!
Reckless use of these poisons threatens our food supply — and possibly even our health. Neonic residues are found in 86% of our honey, as well as on apples, cherries, strawberries, and can even be found in baby food. Federally-funded research suggests that exposure to neonics in the womb and by children could increase the risk of developmental defects, autism, heart deformations, memory loss, and muscle tremors.
But Trump's EPA continues to coddle big chemical companies like Bayer-Monsanto and is ignoring critical information about honeybee losses. So, we're fighting back on multiple fronts.
As NRDC fights Trump's EPA and neonics in court, we need your help to build public pressure on Bayer-Monsanto. Sign our petition to Werner Baumann, Bayer-Monsanto's CEO: Tell him the American people won't stand by as our bees continue to die — and urge him to get bee-toxic neonics off the market.
Thanks for doing your part to protect our bees,