From Team Yang <[email protected]>
Subject We need your input
Date November 16, 2019 4:34 PM
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[ Andrew ]Andrew Yang for President

Yang Gang --

Here’s the deal.

We have two brand new ads running on TV and online in the early states. As
a member of the Yang Gang, we want your strategic input on which one you
think will move more voters to support Andrew.

[ [link removed] ]Click here to watch, vote, and donate to the ad you prefer. Whichever
ad raises more money will be seen by more voters in Iowa and New

[ [link removed] ]Which ad do you like better? Paycheck vs. Our Son. Vote Now

Thank you for lending your voice!

Team Yang

We don't have corporate PACs or big donors who can
close the fundraising gap we face, just grassroots
donors like you powering this campaign. Please give

[ [link removed] ]Contribute

Paid for by Friends of Andrew Yang

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