Dear John,
Our children are growing up in a time of unprecedented violence and corruption. We have to do something about it. Children these days are less willing to take risks, are less likely to wander independently, and are facing a rising rate of depression. Participating in sports is a great way for children to take risks, to make mistakes and grow from them, and to learn teamwork. But sports participation is on a decline and that makes the legislation sweeping the country pushing trans youth out of sports unbelievably devastating.
28 states have introduced legislation with youth sports bans. Just a few days ago, Iowa’s governor signed a bill that impacted a student’s eligibility for sports participation on the basis of sex. This has nothing to do with protecting girls in sports – if they cared about girls’ and women’s sports, they could provide better equipment, fields, courts, and hire and pay women coaches. This is nothing but bigotry.
Trans girls are girls. We are talking about children here. Children who sign up for a sport to feel like they are contributing to something, to feel like they are participating in something are being outcast and marginalized by adults in public office. What a disgrace. I wrote a poem about how we, Americans, need to look at ourselves individually and systemically and assess how responsible we are for the people we scorn into the shadows who retaliate through drastic, violent means. I was told that my poem was too dark. These are pretty dark times, aren’t they?
We can choose to be the light. Don’t fall silent on our children. If we want an inclusive world, we have to build it with intentional legislation written by legislators elected with that intention. I will be one of them.
Will you consider supporting our campaign with a donation of $15 or whatever you can spare so that we can elect a voice who will fight for the rights of all children in Congress?