Dear John,

The first debate of the election for D.C. Attorney General just ended. Kenyan's performance was stellar.

And, the contrast with our opponents was quite clear.

Kenyan understands the needs of District residents and he has deep connections to communities in neighborhoods across the city. His command of the issues is paired with compassion and he speaks from the heart, not with talking points crafted in a conference room.

We are eager for the next debate and other opportunities for voters to hear directly from Kenyan.

Please help us amplify our message. By making a contribution today, you empower our campaign to reach more residents and engage them in a conversation about justice and fairness.

Kenyan won today's debate, but our opponents aren't going to disappear. They will fight hard, and might even fight dirty.

We rise above.

Thank you,

Team McDuffie


Paid for by McDuffie 2022
Patrick Swygert, Jr., Treasurer.
1609 Buchanan Street NE, Washington, DC 20017
A copy of our report is filed with the DC Office of Campaign Finance.

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