Hey – we're lifting up the message below into your inbox again because so much is at stake right now. The far-right attacks against Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson are heating up – so we really need your support today. In the latest attack – which conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin called "the perfect distillation of white supremacy" – Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson hysterically alleged that Judge Jackson's nomination is "...an attempt to 'defile' the Supreme Court and 'humiliate and degrade' the United States."
Thanks so much, Ben Betz, People For's Digital Team ---[original message below]--- Dear People For Supporter, With the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court, President Biden has taken a historic step by naming an extraordinarily qualified nominee who will be the first-ever Black woman on our nation’s highest court. Now it’s up to us to help make history and ensure her expeditious confirmation by the Senate. To any objective observer, there’s no question that Judge Jackson is highly qualified to serve on the Supreme Court. Over the span of her career, she has demonstrated a commitment to upholding the constitutional values of equality and justice for all. Nevertheless, we’re seeing signs that a well-oiled and well-funded right-wing smear machine is already starting to kick into high gear to try and prevent the historic confirmation of this well-qualified Black woman justice to our Supreme Court. Please chip in a donation today to help us fight back these attacks! >>
Confirmation of Judge Jackson will bring a much-needed perspective to the Court as conservatives seek to roll back our precious and valued rights in multiple areas of the law. But as you might expect – lacking any reasonable, merits-based arguments on which to oppose Judge Jackson’s nomination – the Far Right is already falling back on their traditional playbook of fact-free smears to try and tear down a highly qualified nominee. For example, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, despite having previously voted to confirm Judge Jackson to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, now seems to think that “the radical Left has won President Biden over yet again.”[1] And, without a hint of irony, Carrie Severino of the Judicial Crisis Network – a dark-money group that poured millions into getting Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch confirmed – ignored Judge Jackson’s stellar credentials and tweeted that ... “Joe Biden ... is paying back the left-wing dark money network.”[2,3]
People For has a decades-long history of fighting for courts that are fair, just, and work for all of us – and we’re one of the lead organizations in the broad coalition fighting to confirm Judge Jackson. We have a solid plan in place to educate the public with events, videos, publications and other materials about the importance of confirming our first Black woman justice, and to organize pressure on senators to confirm her without delay. But as a grassroots-funded organization, we can’t do that without your financial support – so we hope you’ll be able to step up with a donation today.
Thanks so much for your support, and let’s make history together by getting this extremely qualified nominee confirmed to the Supreme Court. Sincerely, Ben Jealous, President P.S. Within minutes of Judge Jackson’s nomination, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell put out a statement signaling his opposition, and completely ignoring her qualifications[4] – so it’s clear we’re going to have a real fight on our hands. We hope you can chip in today to help us fight for her confimation. Sources: 1. Tweet from @LindseyGrahamSC, 02/25/22 2. "Conservative Group Behind Kavanaugh Confirmation Has Spent Years Reshaping State and Federal Benches," Brennan Center for Justice, 09/12/18 3. Tweet from @JCNSeverino, 02/25/22 4. "McConnell: Biden’s Supreme Court pick a favorite of ‘far-left’," Lexington Herald-Leader, 02/25/22