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Dear Friend,

We’ve won! …. almost.  Our Critical Race theory bill is now one Governor’s signature away from becoming law.
In October, the Mississippi Center for Public Policy published a report on Critical Race theory in our state. Our report showed that this extremist ideology is being promoted, and contained model legislation to deal with it.  Our bill has now been voted through both the Senate and the House by large majorities. 
This is a big win for common sense in our state.  It is also a crushing defeat for a number of left wing ‘journalist’ activists in Mississippi who ran a campaign of misinformation against the bill.
Contrary to what some extreme progressive ‘journalists’ claimed, our bill does not prevent the teaching of history.  Nor does it stop teachers teaching about the Civil Rights movement. 
Our bill is 100 percent consistent with Dr. Martin Luther King’s vision of an America in which people are judged on the content of their character, not the color of their skin. 
The days when a small handful of progressive activists masquerading as journalists can create false narratives about our state are coming to an end.  We have shown how we can win. 
Another great thing happened this week; Lord Daniel Hannan gave an extraordinary talk in Jackson. 
Speaking in front of a large crowd, Lord Hannan talked about freedom, ‘woke’ culture and defending the American way of life.  Click below to hear what he had to say.

We are hiring!  The Mississippi Center for Public Policy needs a new communications director.  We are looking for someone that can help raise our profile even further – not only here in Mississippi, but nationally. 

Do you know someone that might be a good fit working for us? Please send them this link:

How do we defeat the ‘woke’ elites?  My latest article in the Northside Sun sets out the steps we can take here in Mississippi to defeat this extremist ideology. Have a read here:  

Have a great weekend!

Warm Regards,

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO
Ps.  Spring has sprung, so I have decided to take my chances in the yard - or garden as we say in England.  I have begun planting, and this is the view this weekend from my vegetable patch …

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