
This week at CBPP, we focused on the federal budget and taxes, health, immigration, state budgets and taxes, and food assistance.

  • On the federal budget and taxes, Chuck Marr, Samantha Jacoby, and Kathleen Bryant explained how a substantial portion of wealthy households’ income escapes annual taxation or enjoys special tax breaks. Marr summarized those findings in a blog post. Jacoby outlined ways to tax high incomes and large fortunes more effectively. Rosanna Torres and Javier Balmaceda recommended that the federal government support Puerto Rico’s new earned income tax credit.

  • On health, Judith Solomon emphasized that state efforts to increase the accuracy of Medicaid eligibility determinations should also ensure that eligible people are enrolled. Kyle Hayes noted that Georgia Medicaid waiver proposals would be at least as costly and cover far fewer people than Medicaid expansion.

  • On immigration, Danilo Trisi revealed that the Administration's public charge rules would close the door to U.S. immigrants without substantial means.

  • On state budgets and taxes, Michael Mazerov commented that federal and state laws are helping corporations avoid state income taxes. Mazerov also described one way that Massachusetts can help ensure corporations pay their fair share.

  • On food assistance, Brynne Keith-Jennings summarized a journal article from herself and other Center authors on the powerful effects of SNAP and ways to improve it.

Chart of the Week — Very Wealthy People Can Avoid Paying Annual Income Tax on Much of Their Income

Click the chart for an animated version.

A variety of news outlets featured CBPP’s work and experts this week. Here are some of the highlights:

Obamacare early sign-ups drops 20% as Trump-backed lawsuit challenges constitutionality
November 14, 2019

The cost of not expanding Medicaid in Fla.? Nearly 2,800 deaths, a new report estimates
Miami Herald
November 14, 2019

How the U.S. tax code makes inequality worse
November 13, 2019

States Hold Onto Federal Dollars Meant for Needy Families
November 12, 2019

Life and death ... and Medicaid
Washington Post
November 11, 2019

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Contact: Caroline Anderson-Gray, 202-408-1080, Director of Digital Strategy
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