Our incredible supporters have already helped answer 81,000 questions to train up our ‘Stats Checker’ tool, that will help fact checkers and journalists quickly spot inaccurate numbers and dodgy statistics.
But to get the tech working to the best level it can be, we need to get to 250,000.
Can you help us reach our target?
Just 10 answers will make a huge difference.100 answers will get you ‘Super Trainer’ status.
Bad information spreads fast, especially when numbers are involved.
We're building a 'Stats Checker' tool that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to identify claims made in the news and verify them against national statistics and our fact checks.
But just like teaching a toddler how to talk, our tool needs to take in lots of examples to understand what sentences mean.
Your challenge, should you choose to accept:
You’ll be presented with a statement. Then you’ll be asked a question about what that statement means. All you need to do is answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’, or if you’re unsure, press ‘skip’.
Answering 100 questions will get you a mighty 'Super Trainer' badge. But just 10 answers will be a huge help.
The need to tackle bad information has never been greater. You can make a really big difference, and help journalists and fact checkers spot more false claims: