Fellow Conservative,
I hope you’re doing well. The past few weeks have been crazy, I get it. When I’m not running to meetings, I’m running to the grocery store. When I’m not on the phone with my family, I’m on the phone with my advisors. And when I’m not studying memos, briefings, and legislative analysis, I’m doing my best to spend time with my family. Winston and Arthur get some attention too, don’t worry.
The reason I’m reaching out to you today, though, is because I want to say thank you. I know how often my team reaches out, and I promise it’s for a good reason. Every time we reach out, it’s honestly to help run this campaign better. Whether it’s a poll, petition, survey, or an ask for help to compete financially against my opponent, everything we do is try and make sure we win in November, so I can keep fighting for you.
So far this year, we have seen great support. We have gone toe-to-toe with the Left and their mega-fundraising machine and we have refused to back down when times get tough. However, after a meeting with my Finance team this morning, we concluded that we fell short of my February goal, but despite this, I want to say thank you for your commitment and involvement on my team.
Despite falling short, we still got really close and we are confident that with your support, it will put us in a great spot to hit the biggest goal of all: The End of Quarter goal.
This goal will be do or die. Not only will we have to report our numbers to the FEC for the entire world to see, it will be when we will have to start hiring more staff to ramp up our operations, recruit more volunteers, develop a complex voter contact operation, and all while defending ourselves from the onslaught of attacks and lies from the Left.
This is why I need your help, Fellow Conservative. Any donation you can make to help me reach my goal and counter the Left would be truly appreciated.
Can I count on you to chip in $35 right now to help lead the fight against the Left and put us in a great spot to reach our goal?
Thank you,
Marco Rubio |
A personal note from Marco Rubio:
Fellow Conservative, did you see what my former Trump Impeachment Manager opponent said about our race?
Demings is a do-nothing Democrat with a laughable record. Schumer and his cronies are propping her up with their multi-million dollar warchests all because they know she'll be a RUBBER STAMP for their radical agenda. If we let up and the Democrats win in Florida, they will KEEP control of the Senate and continue to force their dangerous agenda through Congress. So here's the deal:

I really do need your help, Fellow Conservative. People think they need to write huge checks in order to make a difference but that's just not true. I need folks who can give $8, $10, $12.55 or even $17 today.
You know I've reached out a lot, so don't complain if we lose. I'm committed to winning. Are you?
Paid for by Marco Rubio for Senate
PO Box 530650
Miami, FL 33153
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