Not only is the NRA bleeding cash, friends, but they're buried deep in scandal and lawsuits.

NPR says a recent Senate report found that the NRA "acted as a 'foreign asset' for Russia in the period leading up to the 2016 election." The Washington Post even quoted an NRA member who described the organization as filled with "corruption and cronyism and fearmongering."

Vox: "The NRA is low on cash and embroiled
in complex lawsuits."

For decades, the NRA has rolled back gun safety policies, helped elect right-wing politicians, and influenced elections so they could put more money in the pockets of gun manufacturers.

The moment is finally ripe to take down the NRA. Democratic Attorneys General are holding the NRA accountable and fighting back against their network of corruption, dark money, and outsized influence in our democracy. But in order to inform our strategy to beat the NRA, we need grassroots Democrats like you to tell us where you stand on the NRA:


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