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Our partners in Memphis, Tennessee, need your help. Read the message below from Justin J. Pearson, co-founder and organizer with Memphis Community Against Pollution, about how a Tennessee House Representative is trying to pass state legislation that would allow the construction of the crude oil Byhalia Connection Pipeline, undoing the major victories of the historic Black Southwest Memphis communities who won local laws to prohibit the pipeline's construction.


With just a few clicks, you can send an email directly to Senate and House committee leaders to ask that they stop this legislation. Can you take a moment and send those emails now?


In solidarity,

The Breach Team

Message from Justin J. Pearson, Breach Partner and Co-Founder & Organizer with Memphis Community Against Pollution.
Team - We need you more than any other time. There is s State law seeking to undo all of the local legislation that was passed by the city council and the county commission to protect our community from the Byhalia Connection Crude Oil Pipeline.
Tragically, a SB 2077 (Read here).HB is being presented to un-do that work and create a clear pathway for the Byhalia Connection Pipeline to be built and for fossil fuel infrastructure across the state to be built without any ability of local governments to have a say. 
One Click Emails to Senate and House || We NEED you to reach out to the House and Senate Committees to stop the passage of this legislation in committee next Tuesday. It is a law designed to hurt our fight and has lots of terrible ramifications for people across the entire state. Republican ideals about local control, right to self determination, and protection of Public & Private property are all being thrown away for private out-of-state or foreign oil and fossil fuel companies. 
Please forward the links to email the TN Senate committee and the TN House committee to all friends and family as well. These short clicks will make a world of difference. PLEASE HELP US TO FIGHT ON! We won't be turned back now!!
Forever yours, 
in the struggle for justice,
Justin J. Pearson


P.S. Breach Collective is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, so every dollar you give is tax deductible in the United States! Breach Collective’s EIN is 85-0743122.



PO Box 5291, Eugene, Oregon 97405

Breach Collective is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

©2020 Breach Collective. All rights reserved.