This was a big week. Protect the Investigation

Friend -- 

This week, we uplifted the voices of veterans from across the country to urge Congress to put country over politics and hold the president accountable for his abuse of power. In each district we visited, nearly a dozen veterans representing different branches of the military highlighted why Congress should support a thorough, nonpartisan investigation that strongly considers the facts of President Trump’s actions. 
Here’s a quick recap:
Veterans began in Vancouver, WA called on Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler to support the investigation.
Then came to Kalamazoo, MI calling on Rep. Fred Upton to do the same.
We rounded this week's tour in Decatur, IL making it clear to Rep. Rodney Davis to put country over politics.
We've also heard this week from career diplomats who confirmed Trump’s extortion of Ukraine. Veterans -- and national security personnel -- hold a valuable position in the investigation of President Trump’s interactions with Ukraine. They tell a story not of partisan politics but of patriotism and duty to one’s country.
Thanks, and more to come soon --
The Defend American Democracy Team

Defend American Democracy is a project of Protect the Investigation.
© 2019 Protect the Investigation