Hi Friend,  

Market-based inflation gauges are flashing red as the war in Ukraine threatens to drive already high energy prices even higher

The Biden administration put a new pause on oil and gas leases in America the same day that Russia invaded Ukraine. Instead of harnessing America’s own natural resources, the administration is increasing our dependence on adversarial nations. 

It is a hypocrisy that’s too dangerous to ignore.
It is absolutely imperative for our national security, and for the security of free people around the globe, to strangle the power of dictators like Putin…. not our fuel supply. We’ve allowed Russia to become our proverbial “gas station” by shutting down the development of energy resources here in the United States.

It’s time for policymakers to restore our innovative and environmentally-responsible energy sector. To do this, they must:
  • Reinstate oil and gas leases for drilling on federal lands,
  • Reauthorize the Keystone XL pipeline, and 
  • Streamline regulations so new energy projects can come online.
Energy independence is not just a “climate issue.” It’s a national security issue, and is absolutely essential to preventing catastrophes like the one we see unfolding before us today. 

Sign the petition to make your voice heard.

Charlotte Whelan