Well-funded groups are targeting and harassing local election administrators

John, what’s happening in Wisconsin should terrify all of America:

Well-funded authoritarian groups are attempting to seize control of Wisconsin’s elections. They’re barraging election officials of both parties with death threats, warnings of violence, and more – attempting to get them to resign so they can be in charge of certifying our election results.

If they quit, our elections will be in jeopardy. The only way to save fair elections is to generate massive community support for local election officials.

Will you help us raise $6,500 to launch local Election Protection teams, that will generate a wave of public support for the bipartisan Election Commission so we can save Wisconsin's elections?

Pitch in to save democracy in Wisconsin >>

Election officials committed to running nonpartisan elections have been receiving threats since the 2020 election – that's two years of bullying and intimidation.

And these threats are serious: In a recent Wisconsin news report, election officials say they're receiving a barrage of mysterious emails and voicemails, and feel unsafe walking around their own neighborhoods.

Wisconsin is a battleground state – which means that if authoritarians take over here, it could throw the results of a presidential race.

This isn’t about right or left. This is about blocking political extremists, on either side, from seizing control of free and fair elections.

That’s why we need to build public support for these election officials. But if we don’t have the resources we need, we can’t counter our opponents and officials could resign at any moment.

Will you ensure we have the resources to save fair elections by making a contribution to help us raise $6,500 by next Wednesday?

Donate $15.

Donate $50.

Donate 75.

Donate $100

Donate $250.

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Your donation can be what saves fair elections in Wisconsin,

Amanda Pustz
Wisconsin Organizing Manager